Title: Framework Agreement for the Provision of Temporary Agency Staff for Lichfield District Council.
Short description: Staffordshire County Council is procuring this framework agreement on behalf of Lichfield District Council and Tamworth Borough Council. Temporary agency staff are required by Lichfield District Council and Tamworth Borough Council to augment the resources of the joint waste operation and grounds maintenance.
This temporary labour is required to cover holidays, sickness absence and seasonal variations in workload. The staff are to be employed by an agency, with the agency retaining the employment rights of the temporary workers. This is an accepted practice known as Swedish Derogation.
There will be 3 suppliers awarded to this framework agreement. Selection will be a direct award on a ranked basis, based on the rankings achieved in the evaluation stage of this tender. There will be no further competition conducted.
Type of Procedure – Open
Estimated total value: £2.5 million
Main site or place of performance: Staffordshire.
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system: 1st November 2017 – 31st October 2021
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2pm, 11th August 2017
Name and addresses
Staffordshire County Council
Staffordshire Procurement, 2 Staffordshire Place
ST16 2DH
Telephone: +44 1785 854652
E-mail: commercial.team@staffordshire.gov.uk
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://supplierlive.proactisp2p.com/Account/Login