Title: Framework Agreement for the Provision of Recruitment Services
Short description: Thirteen require the arrangement of a framework agreement to be established for the provision of recruitment services. We will appoint up to 5 suppliers per lot (up to 20 suppliers in total) and bidders can provide a submission for more than one lot. The successful suppliers will be required to work in partnership with Thirteen and use Thirteen’s applicant tracking system, Jobtrain, to put forward suitable candidates. This framework will be used for the recruitment services of both temporary and permanent positions. Recruitment services required under the framework agreement include: trade and operatives administration and general office technical and operations specialist and managerial. This framework agreement is to be established by Thirteen Housing Group and may be used by organisations within the group. Please note that securing a place on the framework agreement does not guarantee a specific level of recruitment spend with your agency.
Estimated total value: £1.8m
Contract duration: 36 months
Type of procedure: open procedure
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 5pm, 18th May 2020
This contract is divided into lots and tenders may be submitted for all lots:
Lot 1: Trade and Operatives – Recruitment services for temporary and permanent trade and operative roles.
Lot 2: Administration and General Office – Recruitment for temporary and permanent administration and general office roles.
Lot 3: Technical and Operations – Recruitment services for temporary and permanent technical and operational roles.
Lot 4: Specialist and Managerial – Recruitment services for temporary and permanent specialist and managerial roles.
Name and addresses:
Official name: Thirteen Housing Group
Postal address: 2 Hudson Quay, Winward Way, Middlesbrough, TS2 1QG
E-mail: procurement@thirteengroup.co.uk
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.thirteengroup.co.uk/
Access to the procurement documents is restricted. Further information and tender documents can be obtained at: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/thirteengroup/aspx/Home