Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Tender for the Supply of Temporary and Permanent Academic Staff.
Short description of the contract: Gloucestershire College is seeking expressions of interest from agencies who can assist the College HR department in providing temporary and permanent staff for the college academic areas when and where necessary. The aim of this tender is to appoint an agency who can provide a sustainable and value for money service, thorough safeguarding recruitment and selection measures, a range of suitable candidates, immediate short-term cover arrangements, assistance with hard to fill vacancies, temporary to permanent fee agreement and ethical policies, including equality and diversity.
Restricted procedure. Limitations on the number of operators who will be invited to tender or to participate: Envisaged minimum number 5: and maximum number 8
The contract will run for an initial 2 year period, with the option of a further extension of 1 year, commencing 1.10.2014.
Estimated value excluding VAT: £150,000
Contract Start: 1.10.2014. Completion 30.9.2016
Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 9th June 2014
Date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates: 13th June 2014
Name, addresses and contact point(s): Attn: Joanne McCarthy, Finance Officer , Gloucestershire College, Princess Elizabeth Way, Cheltenham, GL51 7SJ. Tel. +44 1242532061. Email: procurement@gloscol.ac.uk.
Participants will be required to complete a PQQ which can be obtained via Gloucestershire College’s In-Tend portal (https://in-tendhost.co.uk/gloscol/aspx/Home).