Sovereign Housing Association is a Managed Service Provider for Recruitment Services in the South and South West of England. This is for permanent staff, fixed term contract staff and internal vacancies.
The selected provider will manage all of the attraction and recruitment process including candidate management and tracking and associated services. The selected provider will be experienced in the recruitment of a wide range of roles including housing management, property maintenance and business support eg finance, IT, HR at all levels of seniority.
Over the last 2 financial years the level of vacancies has been in excess of 175 in a ratio of 2:1 (permanent to contract) and 2:1 (external to internal).
It is envisaged that 4-6 operators will be invited to tender.
Deadline: 2.00pm, 29th April 2013
Contract Duration: 3 years
Contract Value: Not provided
They state that information on this tender is provided on the procurement pages of their website, however we don’t see this opportunity listed so you may wish to contact Liz Dow directly on:
01635 572176