Recruitment Tender Durham University
Title: Temporary and Permanent Staff
Short description: Durham University is seeking to appoint one or more suppliers to a Temporary and Permanent Agency Staff recruitment framework over a 4 (four) year agreement. The framework will be split into the following 4 (four) Lots:
Lot 1 Admin and Clerical
The Admin and Clerical lot is the highest volume lot on the framework and is utilised by a wide variety of departments across the University, both academic and professional. The duration of assignments vary to each situation. The typical number of assignments throughout the year can vary widely however it is estimated that there will be 118 temp assignments in a one year period and 8 permanent posts. Admin and Clerical suppliers will be ranked in order of tender evaluation score, the first ranked supplier will be approached to ascertain if they can fulfil the requirement. If they are unable to fulfil the requirement the second ranked supplier will be approached. The University will appoint two suppliers to this lot.
The estimated value of this lot is £504,404 per annum of the agreement although the University does not guarantee any particular level of business.
Lot 2 Human Resources
The Human Resources lot is to provide staffing for the University’s central HR team. The duration of assignments vary to each situation. The number of temporary workers in this area is relatively low and typically agency is used to fill permanent and fixed term appointments where needed. There have been 3 temp assignments and 3 permanent vacancies within the Human Resources team referred to agency in the last 12 month period. As there will be a single operator per lot the University will direct award each requirement.
The estimated value of this lot is £23,237 per annum of the agreement although the University does not guarantee any particular level of business. The estimated value per annuum is calculated through taking an average of the last 4 years spend on this particular lot.
Lot 3 Finance
The finance lot is to provide staffing for the area of finance for both the central team and college finance teams. The duration of assignments varies to each situation. The typical number of assignments at any given time can vary widely however it is estimated on average there will be 8 temporary assignments per year. As there will be a single operator per lot the University will direct award each requirement.
The estimated value of this lot is £67,835 per annum although the University does not guarantee any particular level of business. The estimated value per annum is calculated through taking an average of the last 4 years spend on this particular lot.
Lot 4 Catering, Domestic and Porters
The Catering, Domestic and Porter lot is to provide staff within these areas to sites across the University within Durham. This can include catering outlets, colleges and central University buildings. The duration of assignments varies to each situation. The typical number of assignments at any given time can vary widely, 213 placements took place in the last financial year of various roles and durations. Catering, Domestic and Portering suppliers will be ranked in order of the tender evaluation score, the first ranked supplier will be approached to ascertain if they can fulfil the requirement. If they are unable to fulfil the requirement the second ranked supplier will be approached. The University will appoint two suppliers to this lot.
The estimated value of this lot is £83,472 per annum although the University does not guarantee any particular level of business.
The appointed supplier(s) to each lot will be seen as an extension of the University’s own recruitment team, they will be expected to advise on market place conditions for the recruitment of positions within their appointed lot and help increase the pools of candidates available to the University.
Supplier(s) shall, taking into account the role description, briefing from the University and professional consideration of any potential candidate’s overall suitability for the role, send details of appropriate candidates (and any application documents such as covering letter and CV) to the University.
Estimated total value: £2,715,792
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system:
Start: 24/03/2019 and end: 23/03/2023
This contract is subject to renewal and it is the intention to put in place a 4 (four) year framework agreement. This will be an ongoing requirement following the end date indicated within this notice. The University reserves the right to review its requirements beyond the end date of this framework and amend, update or remove Lots if required.
Type of procedure: restricted procedure
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators. Envisaged maximum number of participants to the framework agreement: 6
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 12pm, 19th November 2018
Name and addresses
University of Durham
Procurement Service, Mountjoy Centre, Hawthorn Wing
Contact person: Sarah Clark
Telephone: +44 1913344545
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: