Title: Recruitment Services of Temporary Agency Workers, Fixed-Term and Permanent Staff
Reference number: believe-2021 240
Recruitment Services of Temporary Agency Workers, Fixed-Term and Permanent Staff. This will be across a number of disciplines outlined within each lot outlined within the tender pack.
This contract is divided into lots and tenders may be submitted for all lots.
Location: North East England.
Contract duration: 48 months.
Type of procedure: open procedure.
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 5.00pm, 17th September 2021.
Lot 1 – General roles including administrative/ office-based roles such as finance, procurement, administration, customer services, communications, insurance and a range of trade and skills roles on a temporary basis.
Lot 2 – Management and specialist roles including governance, legal, human resources, strategy, performance, housing, assets and executive and senior management on a temporary, fixed term or permanent basis.
LOT 3 – ICT and digital on a temporary, fixed term or permanent basis
Name and addresses
Believe Housing Limited
Coast House, Spectrum 4
Email: procurement@believehousing.co.uk
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