Tender Description: Requirement for temporary and permanent staff.
Title: Temporary and Permanent staff recruitment for Plymouth Community Homes Ltd
Plymouth Community Homes wishes to contract for the supply of temporary and permanent staff. Throughout PCH’s administration and service delivery functions, these staff play an important role, working in such diverse areas as Finance, IT, Manufacturing, Housing with Support, Environmental Services, HR and others.
The purpose of this procurement is to select four suppliers to provide temporary and permanent staff to PCH in a timely, high quality and cost effective manner. The principal aim of this tender is to ensure best value for money for PCH through:
- Close working relationships and process integration.
- Optimising procurement efficiencies to increase value for money.
- Optimising service levels.
- Reducing administrative procedures.
- Ongoing proactive demand management.
Annual expenditure is currently approximately 800 000 GBP per annum with approximately 20-40 temporary staff at any one time through our current Temporary Staff suppliers. In addition to this for this new contract, we will be asking for a permanent recruitment option, you must be able to provide both options. The numbers of staff and spend varies during the duration of the contract and PCH seeks to reduce our temporary staff requirements over the duration of the contract, but accept as a growing and evolving organisation we will always need temporary staff and assistance on permanent recruitment.
The contract will be for a period of 3 years, with options to extend for a further 1 year, based on good performance and a review. (Total maximum contract duration of 4 years).
Type of procedure: Restricted procedure
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 12pm, 2nd June 2017
Name and address:
Plymouth Community Homes
Plumer House, Tailyour Road, Crownhill
Contact person: Mrs Karen Grannum
Telephone: +44 1752388349
E-mail: pch.purchasing@plymouthcommunityhomes.co.uk
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert?advertId=c71dfc07-282c-e711-80df-005056b64545