Title: Home Group – IS Oracle Skills Recruitment Framework
Description: The objective of this process is to appoint a framework of preferred suppliers to support the recruitment of permanent, fixed term and contracting colleagues with specific Oracle ERP skills and experience into Home Group Limited (Home Group).
Estimated value: £300,000.00
Expression of Interest by: 2pm, 25th October 2016
Buyer: Home Group
Contact: Sarah Roberts
Email: sarah.roberts@homegroup.org.uk
Telephone: 0191 594 8641
2 Gosforth Park Way
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear
NE12 8ET
For more information and to express interest, visit: https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert?advertId=3f55baff-ac84-e611-8114-000c29c9ba21