Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: NHSCPP National Clinical Staffing Framework Agreement.
Framework agreement with several operators
Duration of the framework agreement: 2 years
Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the framework agreement: £750m – £2b
Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 12pm, 19th April 2016
Short description of the contract or purchase(s): NHS London Procurement Partnership in collaboration with NHS Commercial Solutions, East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub and North of England NHS Commercial Procurement Collaborative have come together to form the NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership (NHSCPP). The NHSCPP is putting in place a national clinical staffing framework agreement for the sourcing, introducing and supply of high quality, trained and fully vetted nursing and midwifery staff, medical and dental staff and other clinical staff, including without limitation, allied health professionals, emergency services personnel (including ambulance staff) and health science services staff, either by suppliers acting as an employment business for hire on Assignments (Temporary Agency Workers) and by suppliers acting as an employment agency for direct employment on fixed term, or permanent, engagements (Work-Seekers) or by suppliers acting as a neutral supply chain managed service provider.
The framework agreement shall be for use by any of the UK public sector bodies (and any future successors to those organisations). The NHSCPP is seeking to appoint a number of suitable suppliers who shall support participating authorities calling-off under this framework agreement to deliver their respective NHS services to patients and other services users in accordance with all appropriate legislation, regulations, Guidelines and Good Industry Practice relevant to the supplier and the Services required, including but not limited to, Department of Health, NHS England, Monitor & NHS Trust Development Authority and the public sector body calling-off the framework agreement requirements’ for safer recruitment and employment checks and need to adhere to “Price caps for agency staff: rules” (Monitor, November 2015)”.
Total quantity or scope: This framework agreement is for an initial duration of two (2) years, with the Authority having the option to extend by two further periods of 2 x 12 months, taking the total possible duration of the framework agreement to a total of four (4) years.
Lot No: 1 Lot title: 1A – Employment Business Service delivery model: Nursing and midwifery staff
The services are for the sourcing, introduction and supply of high quality, trained and fully vetted nursing and midwifery staff from suppliers (acting as Employment Businesses) for hire on assignments by participating authorities calling-off this framework agreement. The Supplier must source, introduce and supply such temporary agency workers from either those registered with them as an employment business or following approval from the participating authority, source, introduce and supply any shortfall in requirements via managed service provision of other framework agreement suppliers, who have been awarded the same sub-Lot.
Lot No: 1 Lot title: Lot 1B – Employment Business Service delivery model: Medical and dental staff
The services are for the sourcing, introduction and supply of high quality, trained and fully vetted medical and dental staff from suppliers (acting as Employment Businesses) for hire on assignments by participating authorities calling-off this framework agreement. The Supplier must source, introduce and supply such temporary agency workers from either those registered with them as an employment business or following approval from the participating authority, source, introduce and supply any shortfall in requirements via managed service provision of other framework agreement suppliers, who have been awarded the same sub-Lot.
Lot No: 1 Lot title: 1C – Employment Business service delivery model: Other clinical staff, , including without limitation, allied health professionals, emergency services personnel (including ambulance staff) and health science services staff
The services are for the sourcing, introduction and supply of high quality, trained and fully vetted other clinical staff from suppliers (acting as Employment Businesses) for hire on assignments by participating authorities calling-off this framework agreement. The Supplier must source, introduce and supply such temporary agency workers from either those registered with them as an employment business or following approval from the participating authority, source, introduce and supply any shortfall in requirements via managed service provision of other framework agreement suppliers (sub-contractors), who have been awarded the same sub-Lot.
Lot No: 1 Lot title: Lot 1 D – Employment Business service delivery model: All clinical staff
Where bidders are awarded a framework agreement for the provision of sub-Lots 1A, 1B and 1C, the supplier shall be automatically awarded this sub-Lot 1D. The services are for the sourcing, introduction and supply of high quality, trained and fully vetted clinical staff from suppliers (acting as Employment Businesses) for hire on assignments by participating authorities calling-off this framework agreement. The Supplier must source, introduce and supply such temporary agency workers from either those registered with them as an employment business or following approval from the participating authority, source, introduce and supply any shortfall in requirements via managed service provision of other framework agreement suppliers, who have been awarded this same sub-Lot or the other sub-Lots 1A and/or 1B and/or 1C.
Lot No: 2 Lot title: Lot 2 A – Employment Agency service delivery model: Nursing and midwifery staff
The services are for the sourcing, introduction and supply of high quality, trained and fully vetted nursing and midwifery staff from suppliers (acting as Employment Agencies) for direct employment on fixed term, or permanent, engagements (contracts) by participating authorities calling-off this framework agreement. The Supplier must source, introduce and supply such work-seekers from either those registered with them as an employment agency.
Lot No: 2 Lot title: Lot 2 B – Employment Agency service delivery model: Medical and dental staff
The services are for the sourcing, introduction and supply of high quality, trained and fully vetted medical and dental staff from suppliers (acting as Employment Agencies) for direct employment on fixed term, or permanent, engagements (contracts) by participating authorities calling-off this framework agreement. The Supplier must source, introduce and supply such work-seekers from either those registered with them as an employment agency.
Lot No: 2 Lot title: Lot 2 C – Employment Agency service delivery model: Other clinical staff, including without limitation, allied health professionals, emergency services personnel (including ambulance staff) and health science services staff
The services are for the sourcing, introduction and supply of high quality, trained and fully vetted other clinical staff from suppliers (acting as Employment Agencies) for direct employment on fixed term, or permanent, engagements (contracts) by participating authorities calling-off this framework agreement. The Supplier must source, introduce and supply such work-seekers from either those registered with them as an employment agency.
Lot No: 2 Lot title: Lot 2 D – Employment Agency service delivery model: All clinical staff
Where bidders are awarded a framework agreement for the provision of sub-Lots 2A, 2B and 2C, the supplier shall be automatically awarded this sub-Lot 2D. The services are for the sourcing, introduction and supply of high quality, trained and fully vetted clinical staff from suppliers (acting as Employment Agencies) for direct employment on fixed term, or permanent, engagements (contracts) by participating authorities calling-off this framework agreement. The Supplier must source, introduce and supply such work-seekers from either those registered with them as an employment agency.
Lot No: 3 Lot title: Lot 3 Neutral supply chain managed service provision: All clinical staff
The services are for the sourcing, introduction and supply of high quality, trained and fully vetted clinical staff from only sub-Lot 1A, 1B and 1C framework agreement awarded suppliers for hire on assignments by participating authorities calling-off this framework agreement. The Supplier must not itself source, introduce and supply such temporary agency workers from any own registered pool, or otherwise, and act at all time in a neutral manner to manage a supply chain, or tiers, of participating authority approved sub-contractors. Where the participating authority approved sub-contractor is an affiliated or associated or subsidiary company of the supplier, then when sending requests for temporary agency workers to its affiliated or associated or subsidiary companies, those companies must not receive more favourable treatment or terms than other participating authority approved sub-contractors and any quotations received by the supplier must be treated equally and without any discrimination.
This procurement will be managed electronically via the LPP eSourcing portal. To participate in this procurement, participants must first be registered as suppliers on: www.lppsourcing.org
Name, addresses and contact point(s)
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (as host of the NHS London Procurement Partnership)
Guy’s Hospital Great Maze Pond
For the attention of: Jane Bratley — Category Manager
SE1 9RT London
Electronic access to information and submission of tenders and requests to participate: www.lppsourcing.org