Title: Framework Agreement for the provision of International Healthcare Professionals Recruitment & Associated Services.
Reference number: RM6333
Short description: NHS Commercial Solutions, in collaboration with its NHS Workforce Alliance partners, is seeking to procure, through a framework agreement, a panel of suitably experienced and qualified suppliers of International Healthcare Professional Recruitment and Associated services to provide expert guidance to NHS and other public sector organisations.
The NHS Long Term Plan has set out its ambitions for the NHS over the next 10 years, identifying ethical and sustainable international recruitment as a workforce priority. It is intended that the resulting framework of this procurement will meet the Health and Social Care needs in line with the NHS Long Term and People Plan.
This framework aims to provide a holistic approach to the International Recruitment journey, and the range of services and support requirements needed at the various stages of the process, to enable Participating Authorities to obtain recruitment and retention support of its overseas candidates.
Estimated value excluding VAT: £150,000,000
Type of procedure: Open procedure
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 12pm, 30th September 2022
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system: 48 months (2 years with option to extend for up to a maximum of a further 2 years).
Bidding organisations must comply with, and maintain adherence to, the guiding principles of the NHS Employers UK Code of Practice for the International Recruitment of healthcare professionals (see www.nhsemployers.org/your-workforce/recruit/employer-led-recruitment/international-recruitment/uk-code-of-practice-for-international-recruitment
This contract is divided into lots and tenders may be submitted for all lots.
Lot 1 – International Nursing and Midwifery
Recruitment services of permanent International Nursing and Midwifery staff which may include, but is not necessarily limited to:
- Selecting, appointing, and managing Land-Based Agents:
- Trade association’s codes of professional behaviour, conduct and practice
- Sourcing countries, promotion and Candidate attraction
- Candidate compliance and vetting
- Shortlisting candidates
- Pre-deployment information, training and relocation support
- Master Vendor Arrangement
Lot 2 – International Doctors and Dentists
Recruitment services of permanent International Doctors and Dentists staff which may include, but is not necessarily limited to:
- Selecting, appointing, and managing Land-Based Agents:
Trade association’s codes of professional behaviour, conduct and practice
Sourcing countries, promotion and Candidate attraction
Candidate compliance and vetting
Shortlisting candidates
Pre-deployment information, training and relocation support
Master Vendor Arrangement
Lot 3 – International AHPs including Social Workers
Recruitment services of permanent AHPs including Social Workers staff which may include, but is not necessarily limited to:
- Selecting, appointing, and managing Land-Based Agents:
Trade association’s codes of professional behaviour, conduct and practice
Sourcing countries, promotion and Candidate attraction
Candidate compliance and vetting
Shortlisting candidates
Pre-deployment information, training and relocation support
Master Vendor Arrangement
Lot 4 – International OSCE Training Support Services
Participating Authorities may require additional training support services as part of onboarding international candidates. This is part of a holistic approach that can be taken to attract and retain suitable candidates. This may include, but is not necessarily limited to:
- Provision of training courses
- Candidate examination preparation and support services
Lot 5 – International Candidate Pastoral Support
Pastoral Support Services which includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
- Worker Welcome pack.
- Worker local introduction
- Worker Point of Contact.
- Worker Handbook
- Worker introduction to Participating Authority Representatives.
- Fostering relationships services.
Name & Address:
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust on behalf of NHS Commercial Solutions
Third Floor, Leatherhead House
Station Road
Contact: Phillip Spicer
Email: agency.nhscs@nhs.net
Telephone: +44 1306 646837
Full contract notice: https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/022371-2022?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2022-08-16&utm_source=SavedSearch
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://commercialsolutions.bravosolution.co.uk/