Title: Temporary Recruitment Services.
Short description: Tenders are invited for the supply of services in respect of temporary recruitment to the Sanctuary Group (‘The Group’) and will be open to all organisations that make up The Group currently and during the term of the Contract. The temporary recruitment services addressed in this tender will provide 1 solution for delivering a temporary recruitment service to the Group through 1 contract. The services will be in respect of a temporary recruitment management solution for the provision of temporary workers through a centralised management agent to the Group. The management solution will provide 24/7/365 temporary recruitment service with an online booking and time-sheet approval systems. One contract will be awarded, the successful bidder must have the capacity to manage the locations and roles identified in the tender documents.
Estimated total value: £90,000,000
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system: 36 months with a further 2 x 1 year extensions subject to satisfactory performance
Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited: Envisaged number of candidates: 6
Type of procedure: Restricted procedure
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 12pm, 21st August 2017
Sanctuary Housing Group
Sanctuary House, Chamber Court, Castle Street, Worcester, WR1 3ZQ
Contact person: Mrs Louise Simon
Telephone: +44 1905334086
E-mail: louise.simon@sanctuary-housing.co.uk
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge at: www.sanctuary-tenders.co.uk
For full tender notice, click HERE.