Title: International Midwife Recruitment Partner, Herts & West Essex ICS
Reference number: C1546.366
Short description: On behalf of member and partner organisations in the Herts and West Essex Integrated Care System (ICS), Salisbury are supporting their procurement of a partner organisation to deliver high-quality recruitment services for International Midwives. Bidding organisations must adhere to the UK Code of Practice for the International Recruitment of Health & Social Care Personnel and must be fully compliant with NHS Employers international recruitment code of practice.
Bidders must also be an existing DHSC / NHSEI framework approved supplier capable of receiving a direct award from employer organisations.
Estimated value excluding VAT: £500,000
Main site or place of performance: Hertfordshire & West Essex
Duration in months: 48
Type of procedure: Open procedure
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 12pm, 18th October 2021
Name and addresses:
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Contact: Simon Dennis
Email: simon.dennis@nhs.net
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