Title: International GP Recruitment Service for NHS South Tees and Hartlepool & Stockton-on-Tees CCGs.
Short description: North of England Commissioning Support (NECS) are working for and on behalf of NHS South Tees Clinical Commissioning Group (STCCG) and NHS Hartlepool and Stockton—on–Tees CCG (HAST) who wish to procure the services of a recruitment organisation that has a proven history of successful international General Practitioner (GP) recruitment. The CCGs are anticipating that the service provider will recruit 20 GPs from within the European Union (EU) (but external to the UK) to work on a permanent basis recruiting 10 GP appointments for each CCG locality.
Description of the procurement: The aims of the service are:
1) Recruitment, screening and selection (including all pre-employment checks and obtaining references) of GP candidates based upon a job specification and the GMC requirements for working as a GP in the UK.
2) Delivery of a robust education, training and assessment package for the GPs including training and assessment of candidates in English and clinical language skills, NHS processes and procedures and integration into British culture in order to satisfy GMC requirements.
3) Facilitation and completion of all training and registration requirements for the GMC and National Performers List including the National Induction & Refresher (I&R) Scheme.
4) Support to the GPs and their families including the identification of local accommodation, location of schools, nurseries, spousal employment advice (as necessary and appropriate) to support the individuals to firmly settle in their role and ensure a positive resettlement experience in the UK.
The service is to commence from 01 November 2017 for an expected duration of 18 months.
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system: 18 months with an option to extend the contract for a period of 3 months at the discretion of the Contracting Authorities.
Type of procedure: Open procedure
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 9am, 29th August 2017
Name and addresses
NHS South Tees CCG
North Ormesby Health Village, 14 Trinity Mews
E-mail: STCCG.enquiries@nhs.net
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://www.proactisplaza.com/SupplierPortal/?CID=NECS