Title: HTE Total Workforce Solutions II
Short description: HealthTrust Europe is seeking to establish a framework agreement for the provision of workforce solutions in the healthcare sector for the NHS, registered charities, wider public sector and all other bodies as detailed within the OJEU Contract Notice including fully managed service: bank and agency, bank and agency demand solutions (including direct engagement), medical locums and general practitioner workers, nursing and care service workers, allied health professional and health science service workers, and non-medical non-clinical (NMNC) workers, to include senior, very senior managers (VSM) and executive recruitment.
Estimated total framework value excluding VAT: £3,000,000,000
Duration of framework: The initial period of the framework agreement will be 2 years, this may be extended by HTE at its sole discretion for 2 periods of 12 months thereafter (2 + 1 + 1).
Type of procedure: restricted procedure
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2pm, 29th January 2020
This contract is divided into lots and tenders may be submitted for all lots:
Lot 2a: Fully Managed Service: Bank and Agency
A Fully Managed Service in respect of the supply and management of a Contracting Authorities requirements for bank and agency workers. Under this Lot the Tenderer will provide services for optimising the deployment of Flexible Workers. The Service will support the end user in accessing services designed to implement, develop and enhance the provision of a tailored Managed or Collaborative Bank service so as to generate a range of process efficiencies for the Contacting Authority. In addition to the above, the Tenderer will be expected to deliver a software system that enables the recording, managing and processing of Flexible Workers, to deliver an auditable service to the Contracting Authority, whilst additionally providing a suitable vacancy release solution.
Estimated value: £275,000,000
Lot 2b: Bank and Agency Demand Solutions (including Direct Engagement)
For the supply of a software solution to enable a Contracting Authority to manage its bank and agency workforce requirements, including Direct Engagement.
The Tenderer will deliver a software solution that is capable of identifying, managing and optimising a list of bank and agency workers who are able to fill a temporary or substantive shift. The solution offered will be hosted and managed by the tenderer. Where bank shifts remain unfilled, the solution will provide a vacancy release booking management system capable of releasing any unfilled bank shifts to the agency market through an agreed set of protocols as agreed with the Contracting Authority. The software must enable the Contracting Authority to have the ability to consider available agency staff and directly book agency staff who are able to work that have the skills and necessary compliance documentation in alignment to the Contracting Authority’s agreed pricing matrix. The software solution will provide a customisable reporting dashboard for key performance data and a portal capable of allowing workers to login and manage their own account.
In addition, the Tenderer will provide a range of supporting analytical, financial and safeguarding services to the Contracting Authority to identify efficiencies and enable the procurement of agency staffing and spend reduction opportunities. Designed to support the Contracting Authority in directly engaging with their Temporary Workers through Employment Agencies, the Tenderer will assist in the legitimate recovery of VAT for all eligible Temporary Workers who are compliant with IR35 requirements.
If applicable, the Tenderer will provide a hosted software solution to enable effective rostering and shift management for staff in line with Contracting Authority requirements.
Estimated value: £25,000,000
Lot 3a: Medical Locums and General Practitioner Workers
For the supply of temporary, fixed-term and permanent Medical Locums and General Practitioner workers. The Tenderer will supply national Temporary Workers and/or fixed-term workers and permanent candidates within the Healthcare Industry to the Contracting Authority. The workers and candidates supplied under this Lot will be sufficiently experienced and suitably qualified Medical Locums and General Practitioners in alignment to the requirements of the Contracting Authority, and may also include any other staff that could reasonably be described as providing Medical and GP Services in alignment with the NHS Employers Job Profiles, Contracting Authority requirements and industry best practice.
Estimated value: £1,000,000,000
Lot 3b – Nursing and Care Service Workers
For the supply of temporary, fixed-term and permanent Nursing and Care Service workers (Agenda for Change Bands 1 – 9 only).
The Tenderer will supply national Temporary Workers and/or fixed-term workers and permanent candidates within the Healthcare Industry to the Contracting Authority. The workers and candidates supplied under this Lot will be sufficiently experienced and suitably qualified Nurses, Midwives, Social Workers, Healthcare Assistants, Operating Departmental Practitioners in alignment to the requirements of the Contracting Authority, and may also include any other staff that could reasonably be described as providing Nursing and Care Services in alignment with the NHS Employers Job Profiles, Contracting Authority requirements and industry best practice.
Value excluding VAT: £1,000,000,000
Lot 3c – Allied Health Professional and Health Science Service Workers
For the supply of temporary, fixed-term and permanent Allied Health Professional and Health Science Service workers (Agenda for Change Bands 1 – 9 only).
The Tenderer will supply national Temporary Workers and/or fixed-term workers and permanent candidates within the Healthcare Industry to the Contracting Authority. The workers and candidates supplied under this Lot will be sufficiently experienced and suitably qualified Allied Health Professional and Health Science Service workers in alignment to the requirements of the Contracting Authority, and may also include any other staff that could reasonably be described as providing Allied Health Professional and Health Science Services in alignment with the NHS Employers Job Profiles, Contracting Authority requirements and industry best practice.
Estimated value: £300,000,000
Lot 4a – Non-Medical Non-Clinical Workers (Bands 1-7 only)
For the supply of temporary, fixed-term and permanent Non-Medical Non-Clinical workers.
The Tenderer will supply Agenda for Change Band 1 – 7 national Temporary Workers and/or fixed-term and permanent candidates to the Contracting Authority. The Temporary Workers and candidates supplied under this Lot will be sufficiently experienced and suitably qualified in the following Non-Medical and Non-Clinical Services; Administration, Clerical and Secretarial, Medical Secretaries, Catering, Clinical Coding, Drivers, Facilities and Estates, Finance and Auditing, Hotel Services, Human Resources, IM&T and ICT, Legal Services, Library Services, Procurement and Supply Chain, Project Management, Public Relations, Marketing and Customer Service, Security, Stores, Logistics in alignment to the requirements of the Contracting Authority, and may also include any other staff that could reasonably be described as providing Non-Medical Non-Clinical workers in alignment with the NHS Employers Job Profiles, Contracting Authority requirements and industry best practice.
Estimated value: £200,000,000
Lot 4b – Non-Medical Non-Clinical workers (Bands 6-9), including Very Senior Managers and Executive Recruitment
For the supply of Non-Medical Non-Clinical temporary, fixed-term and permanent workers (Agenda for Change Bands 6 – 9, including Very Senior Managers and Executive Recruitment).
Under this Lot the Tenderer will supply Agenda for Change Bands 6 – 9, Very Senior Managers and Executive national Temporary and/or fixed-term and permanent Non-Medical Non-Clinical candidates to the Contracting Authority. The Temporary Workers and candidates supplied under this Lot will be sufficiently experienced and suitably qualified in their field of expertise in alignment to the requirements of the Contracting Authority.
In addition to the above, the scope of this Lot includes the supply of sufficiently experienced and qualified Very Senior Managers and Executive Staff who have been recruited through a ‘Search and Select’ recruitment model.
Estimated value: £200,000,000
Contact Details:
HealthTrust Europe LLP (HTE) acting as agent for the University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (‘UHCW’)
19 George Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 1NU
E-mail: richard.legate@htepg.com
Telephone: +44 8458875000
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://healthtrusteurope.bravosolution.co.uk
This exercise will be conducted on the HTE Bravo portal. Candidates wishing to be considered must register expressions of interest as follows: Register on the HTE portal at https://healthtrusteurope.bravosolution.co.uk. Login to the portal with username/password. Click the PQQs/ITTs Open to All Suppliers link. These are the PQQs/ITTs open to any registered supplier. Click on the relevant PQQ/ ITT to access the content. Click the Express Interest button at the top of the page. This will move the PQQ/ITT into your My PQQs/My ITTs page. You can access any attachments by clicking Buyer Attachments in the PQQ/ITT Details box. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the PQQ/ITT. Submit your reply using the Submit Response button
A free overview of this tender is available at: https://www.bruntonbidwriting.co.uk/hte-total-workforce-solutions-2/