The awarding authority would like to invite organisations to submit tenders for the delivery of domiciliary care services in the county borough. This procurement exercise forms part of the Council’s transformation agenda within Adult Social Care and involves the remodelling of internal homecare services. This is an exciting opportunity to work in partnership with the Council to deliver high quality care services across three geographical areas of the borough.
The Council’s vision for Adult Social Care is ‘To promote independence, wellbeing and choice that will support individuals in achieving their full potential in healthier communities.’ In order to achieve this vision, the Council is dedicated to providing quality responses that are sustainable and flexible in order to meet current and future needs and demands, by commissioning services from partners that share our vision and social care values.
The Council intends to award three lots of domiciliary care provision, with a total of 4,400 weekly hours. Each lot of care hours relates to the geographical coverage of the three locality networks. These hours include a specialist dementia support service, generalist Domiciliary Care, the ‘back to bed’ service and, for the Provider wishing to bid for the West geographical area, the night sitting service (which is to be delivered across the whole county borough).
The homecare service supports a range of people in the community to enable them to continue to live independently. The majority of these service users are older people, although the service delivers care to people with dementia, physical and/or sensory disabilities, learning disabilities and mental health support needs. The number of weekly hours to be delivered by each Lot is shown below:
Network Area Total Hours per Week
- North 1,540
- West 1,200 (including night sits)
- East 1,660
The core requirements for this service are set out within the Service Specification and the Council would like to attract organisations who put service users at the heart of delivery, are flexible and responsive to changing needs, enable independence, dedicated to improving Services, committed to workforce development and are reactive, robust and responsible partners that make best use of available resources.
Organisations are welcome to bid for individual or multiple Lots, however no more than two geographical Lots will be awarded to one single bidder.
Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot
Time limit for obtaining documentation: 18th April 2014
Time limit for receipt of completed tenders: 12pm, 6th May 2014
Click HERE to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information.
Awarding Authority: Bridgend County Borough Council, Legal and Regulatory Services, Civic Offices, Bridgend CF31 4WB. Tel: 01656664569. Fax: 01656642432. E-Mail: (The Monitoring Officer).