Future Workforce Framework – Crown Commercial Service
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is developing a new long-term contracting solution for the provision of temporary workers to replace the current framework, RM3749 Public Sector Resourcing. The aim of this framework is to build a market leading commercial model to connect workers with public sector demand, enabling contracting authorities to engage the right resources, with the right skills, at the right price, through a range of delivery models. This will include sourcing temporary workers, engaging pre-identified nominated workers, delivering work through statements of work (SoW), and engaging workers via a Recruit-Train-Deploy (RTD) model.
The framework may also include recruitment of permanent and fixed term staff, and/or workforce strategy advice.
The lotting structure and commercial model for this framework will be determined as a result of the market and customer engagement.
The estimated date of publication of the contract notice is currently 16th January 2023.
This Prior Information Notice is to signal an intention to commence market engagement with those within the contingent labour market.
The Crown Commercial Service intends to hold market engagement sessions during 2022 with industry experts and suppliers interested in potentially bidding for the resulting framework contract(s). If you are interested in attending a market engagement session please refer to the CCS website page, where a means will be published for organisations to express their interest. Further details will then be provided to you. Interested organisations are advised to regularly check the above page, where further updates on this procurement will be regularly provided.
To be supply under this framework you will require to have the Cyber Essentials Plus certification. You may be awarded a contract but you may not enter into any call off contracts with buyers until you are able to demonstrate to CCS that you meet the technical requirements prescribed by the Cyber Essentials Plus Scheme.
Bidders for any lot or lots involving supply of temporary workers will also be required to demonstrate they are accredited members of the FCSA.