At Brunton Bid Writing, we’ve decided to put aside some time in January to update some of our documents, and this includes all of the “freebies” on our website.
We’ve now got the following documents available for you to download free of charge:
- 10 Top Tips for Writing Recruitment Tenders – as it sounds, this is a list of Fiona’s top tips for to avoid the most common mistakes that recruiters make when writing bids and tenders.
- Anti-Bribery Code of Conduct – a useful document that outlines the obligations of employees and workers in relation to anti-bribery and anti-corruption, for use alongside your Anti-Bribery Policy.
- Audit Checklist – designed to help you ensure that your candidate files meet legislation, regulation and best practice in recruitment and conduct audits.
- Bid Writing Style Guide – lots of suggestions to help you to develop a consistent corporate style and to construct clear and persuasive tenders and proposals.
- Calculating Actual NI – a step by step guide to calculating actual NI for temporary worker pricing.
- Calculating Holiday Pay/WTR – a step by step guide to calculating holiday pay for temporary worker pricing
- Complaint Record Form – a structured template for gathering information when a formal complaint is made, including a record of the actions taken to resolve the issue.
- Discounts and Rebates – a really useful document that discusses the types of discounts and rebates that agencies might be asked for (or choose to offer) when bidding for business, together with considerations and implications of each method.
- Equality Monitoring Form – a detailed template enabling you to gather information for the full range of protected characteristics to aid monitoring, for use alongside your Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy.
- Health & Safety Policy Statement – an overview of the key elements within a robust health & safety policy for an office based business such as a recruitment agency.
- How to Write an Executive Summary – a detailed breakdown of what to include in a company executive summary, and how to write bid-specific executive summaries that are often asked for in proposals and tenders.
- Public Sector Contracts/Frameworks List – a list of the main central Government recruitment contracts, together with contract start and end dates and details of what lots/sectors they cover.
- Useful Definitions for Bidding & Tendering – like everything else, there’s lots of jargon and three letter abbreviations in procurement. This document is designed to help navigate the meaning of commonly used terms in the bid and tender world.
Why not check out our freebies on:
We’ve also got lots of other advice, guidance, templates, services training courses to help you with recruitment bids, tenders and proposals!