Title Attributed To The Contract By The Contracting Authority/Entity: Executive Search Services
Time limit for submission of indicative tenders for the specific contract: 5pm, 25th November 2014
Contract value: £60,000 – £135,000
Quantity or Scope of the Specific Contract:
The following list gives an indication of the vacancies that could potentially be offered to the external suppliers until end January 2015. Additional requirements may arise within this timeframe, however CQC reserve the right to include or exclude them from this exercise.
Profession/Area – 2 x Strategy Leads; 1 x Senior Inspection Role; 1 x Health Watch England – Head of Public Affairs; 1 x Health Watch England – Director of Policy and Intelligence.
Any procurement exercises to support filling the above positions will be offered to suppliers via the Executive Search and Assessment Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). Therefore, if not already done so, any organisations wishing to compete for the above or future opportunities must first of all apply to be accepted onto the DPS. Details of how to apply to join the Dynamic Purchasing System can be found in the Additional Information section below.
Name, Addresses And Contact Point(s):
Care Quality Commission, Finsbury Tower, 103-105 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TG
Tel. +44 1912333676, Email: procurement@cqc.org.uk
Additional Information:
CQC is using the Crown Commercial Service e-Sourcing (e-Tendering) tool for this DPS on behalf of CS Resourcing. Consequently formal applications are to be submitted by completing an on-line Questionnaire. Information about the e-Sourcing tool/application can be obtained from http://ccs.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/i-am-supplier/respond-tender. Economic operators who have complied with the foregoing will receive details of how to access the on-line Questionnaire (Indicative Tender (bid)). If an email response is not received please check your spam filters. Applications not submitted in the required form (or containing the requested information) may be rejected. (When requesting access to the online Questionnaire, please notify the Authority if you have any accessibility issues (disabilities), which may prevent you from providing a high quality response using the e-sourcing tool/application.
To view this notice in full, please click HERE.