Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Invitation to tender for provision of executive search and recruitment (head-hunting) services.
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: De Montfort University Campus, Leicester.
Contract duration: The Framework Agreements will be awarded for a period of four 4 years, subject to at least annual performance and commercial review.
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 22nd December 2014
Short description of the contract or purchase(s): De Montfort University is seeking to award non-exclusive Framework Agreements to up to a maximum of five 5 suitably qualified providers for the provision of executive search and recruitment (head-hunting) services. The successful applicants will be required to evidence the necessary expertise, skills and a thorough understanding of the UK Higher Education HE market or similar and be familiar with the challenges within the HE sector or similar sectors, particularly with regard to securing successful senior academic and executive level appointments.
Roles that are included within the scope of the services referenced above are executive posts at the most senior levels within the university. The successful applicants must therefore have the capabilities to recruit to various executive level posts according to rank and remuneration packages of these senior level positions. By way of example, this would include positions such as Vice-Chancellor/Chief Executive Officer/Chief Operating Officer/Executive Directors and the appointment of Governors to the university’s governing bodies if and when the need arises.
Further details of this tender are set out in the Information for Applicants document which is available at the link below.
Applicants must read this information in order to decide whether it is appropriate for them to participate in this tender before proceeding to complete any other documentation provided.
Applicants must register their interest for the relevant tender documents on the university’s electronic tendering In-Tend system (https://in-tendhost.co.uk/demontfort). All documents relating to this tender will be released via In-Tend only. Applicants must express and interest against the specific opportunity as stated in this Contract Notice. The procurement exercise is completely managed via this electronic system and you must register to ensure that you receive all the relevant information and follow-up document. Registration is free of charge to tenderers.
Name, addresses and contact point(s): De Montfort University, The Gateway, , Leicester, LE1 9BH, Attn: Karen Barber. Tel. +44 1162506338.
Internet address(es):
Address of the buyer profile: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/demontfort/
Further information, specifications and tenders/requests to participate can be obtained from the above mentioned link/contact point(s)