A package of 18 policy and procedural templates to aid completion of the policies section of the RQIA application. The package has been written specifically for supply of agency nurses in Northern Ireland and is aligned to the RQIA’s requirements and Appendix 3 of the Nursing Agency Standards. It comprises the following templates:
- Absence of Registered Manager Policy
- Accurate Charging, Invoicing & Timesheets Procedure
- Alert Notice Policy
- Appraisal & Revalidation Procedure
- Candidate Handbook
- Complaints Procedure
- Criminal Record & Barring Check Procedure
- Infection Prevention & Control Policy
- Professional Registration & Qualifications Check Procedure
- Quality Assurance Policy
- Records Management & Data Protection Policy
- Recruitment Procedure
- Reporting Arrangements to the Registered Person Policy
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Policy
- Service Users Guide
- Standard Operating Procedure
- Statutory & Mandatory Training Procedure
- Work Health Assessment Procedure
In addition to the above, we have created a policy matrix to support your RQIA application, detailing the documents required by the RQIA and where these can be found either within the above documents or as part of the Statement of Purpose (sorry we can’t provide a template for the Statement of Purpose as this is unique to your business).
These policies/procedures have been written specifically for supplying nurses in Northern Ireland. They may not all be suitable in their current format for supply in the rest of the UK as some processes and terminology differ in Northern Ireland.
PLEASE NOTE: Our online shop does not enable automatic download of multiple policy documents, so if you are interested in this package, please make the payment online and we will immediately email you a zip file with the templates. Alternatively contact us and we can arrange a manual transaction.
If you want to find out more about this package, please contact us on 01688 400319 or email fiona.brunton@bruntonconsultancy.co.uk