This Standard Operating Process or SOP is designed to provide your Consultants with step by step instructions for carrying out all compliance, recruitment and induction checks in alignment with NHSE Check Standards.
This SOP has been written specifically to cover Agency Workers . A separate SOP is available for permanent recruitment.
The contents of this includes:
- Introduction
- Compliance
- Verifying ID and Address
- Verifying Employment History
- Referencing
- Verifying Right to Work in the UK
- Criminal Records & Barring
- Verifying Professional Registrations
- Verifying qualifications
- Work Health Assessments
- Reasonable Adjustments
- Verifying English Language Competence
- Verifying Statutory & Mandatory and Clinical/Care Core Training
- Appraisals
- Revalidation
- Interviews
- Induction
Last reviewed / updated: 06.02.24
Length of document: 27 pages
If you need further advice on policies and procedures, please email or call 01688 400319.