The awarding authority is seeking to commission high quality personal care and support services for people, within the city of Plymouth, who are assessed as being in need of a service whether they live in their own home or in supported accommodation.
These Domiciliary care services will be person centred and focussed on delivering positive outcomes including maximising people’s independence, choice and control and be flexible and innovative in response to people’s wide ranging assessed needs.
It is our intention to jointly procure a block contract arrangement for community domiciliary care for approximately 15,000 hours per week to provide help with personal care which may include bathing, dressing and undressing, getting into and out of bed or on and off the toilet, preparing meals, taking medication, housework, managing money, going to the doctor, shopping, writing letters and keeping in touch with family and friends.
Estimated value of requirement: Not provided.
Contract period: 36 months (estimated start date 1st December 2014) with the potential of up to 3 extensions of 12 months each.
Expression of interest end date: 12pm, 8th April 2014
Click HERE for further information and instructions on how to register your interest in the above contract notice.
- Suppliers interested in this opportunity should express their interest by clicking on the ‘login and register interest’ button.
- New users to the system must register first to obtain a user name and password before returning to this opportunity. Please refer to the suppliers guide ‘Visiting Site for the First Time’ by clicking the ‘Help’ button.
- Once suppliers have expressed their interest they can access the procurement documentation from ‘My Opportunities’ on the home page.
Awarding Authority: Plymouth City Council in partnership with NHS NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (Commissioners). Tel: 01752 304485. Email: (Mr Phil Bees).