First re-opening of the existing Domiciliary Care Dynamic Purchasing System, where new providers are invited to join the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of domiciliary care support and enablement for adults with a learning disability, mental health needs, or profound and multiple disabilities. The successful suppliers will be responsible for providing this service, liaising closely with the nominated Commissioning Officer, Derby City Council.
The DPS will primarily meet the needs of customers will be adults and children (aged 16 and over) who meet the eligibility criteria of Derby City Council for community care services. Customers may be physically disabled or frail, and/or may have learning or other cognitive difficulties, mental health problems, or have profound and multiple disabilities. Customers may exhibit: challenging behaviours that demonstrate a significant risk to self or others. Customers may also require therapeutic approaches that may include: the care program approach for mental health, specialist augmentative communication systems and sensory loss enablement.
Customers will generally reside within the city of Derby.
The service will be available as required 7 days a week between the hours of 7:00 to 22:00. Waking nights and sleep-ins will be covered from 22:00 to 07:00
Providers must have in place:
- An equality and diversity policy that is embedded in organisational documents.
- Criminal Record Bureau clearance for staff and volunteers.
- Be currently registered with the Care Quality Commission under Part II of the Care Standards Act 2000.
Providers admitted to the DPS after satisfying quality requirements as detailed within the Indicative Tender document will be subject to subsequent competition for care packages placed through the DPS via a Service Request Form.
Throughout the duration of the DPS, new organisations that apply from the publication of an OJEU Simplified Notice and who satisfy the selection criteria and comply with the specification will also be admitted to the system. Re-opening currently stands at every six months.
Estimated value of requirement: Expected range from £3,000,000 (3 Million GBP) to £5,000,000 (5 Million GBP) per year and hence the total value would be between the range of £12,000,000 (12 Million GBP) to £20,000,000 (20 Million GBP) over the 4 years of the contract.
Please note suppliers wishing to register, express interest in this tender and download tender documents, must do so by 4pm on 03 January 2014.
Submission return by 10 January 2014
Estimated Contract Start Date: 3rd March 2014
Awarding Authority: Derby City Council, Procurement Team, The Council House, Corporation Street, Derby DE1 2FS. Email:
Click HERE for further information and instructions on how to register your interest in the above contract notice.
This contract is managed through an electronic process. To request documentation click ‘Apply Online’ button on the above website.