The CPP National Clinical Staffing Framework tender has recently been published (submission deadline 19th April 2016) and it’s demanding a lot of documented policies and procedures!
Possibly the largest piece of work is putting together the verification, policy and procedure documents required in Annex B7. These are not only questions that you can pass or fail on, they also have a score of up to 3 marks each, so having a robust documented procedure for each of these questions will have a significant impact on your overall tender score.
We have written 19 templates which have been cross referenced with the NHS Employers Standards and the National Clinical Staffing Framework Agreement to enable you to complete Annex B7 relatively quickly and easily. The documents we have available are:
- Quality Assurance System
- Verification of ID Checks
- Verification of Right to Work Checks
- Verification of Employment History and Reference Checks
- Verification of Professional Registration & Qualification
- Verification of Criminal Record and Barring Checks
- Verification of Work Health Assessments
- Verification of English Language Competency Checks
- Verification of Statutory & Mandatory and Clinical/Care Core Training Checks
- Verification of Appraisal and Revalidation Checks
- Verification of Incorporate Candidates & Personal Service Company Candidates Check
- Candidate Handbook & Verification Checks
- Business Continuity Policy
- Complaints Procedure
- Safeguarding Adults Policy/Procedure
- Safeguarding Children Policy/Procedure
- Verification of Information Obtained From Hirer
- Verification of Accurate Charging, Invoicing & Timesheet Processing
- Verification of Readily Accessible Records & Data Protection
These can be purchased in 3 different ways:
- Individually @ £95 + vat each
- In a batch of 10 or more (with you choosing which templates you need) @ £85 + vat each
- The full package of 19 documents at a fixed price of £1,425 + vat (equivalent to £75 + vat each)
These cannot be purchased online so if you are interested in this package, please contact or telephone 01688 400319 / 07944 856293.