Title: Executive and Non-Executive Recruitment Services
Reference number: RM6290
Short description: Crown Commercial Service, as the authority, intends to put in place an agreement for the supply of recruitment Services to UK public sector bodies including central government departments (and their arm’s length bodies and agencies) and non-departmental public bodies, as well as wider public sector organisations, hereby known as the Customer. This will be a replacement agreement for the Executive Search services found within Permanent Recruitment Solutions (RM6002).
It is anticipated that Executive and Non-Executive Recruitment Services will provide permanent, fixed term, inward secondment and supporting services including, but not limited to;
- Executive & Non Executive Recruitment
- Talent Development Services
- Talent Mapping
- Reserve Lists & Talent Pools
- Executive Development and Coaching
- Technology Services
- International Recruitment
The number of suppliers to be awarded a Framework Contract for each lot is:
- Lot 1 up to 50 Operators
- Lot 2 up to 25 Operators
- Lot 3 up to 25 Operators
CCS reserve the right to award a framework to any bidder whose final score is within 1% of the last position.
Estimated total value excluding VAT: £45,000,000
Contract duration: 48 months (The initial duration of the Framework is 2 years, with an option to extend for 2 periods of 1 year (2+1+1). CCS reserve the right to extend lots by varying durations).
Type of procedure: Open procedure
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 3.00pm, 16th March 2022
This contract is divided into lots and tenders may be submitted for all lots:
Lot 1 – Executive Search – Grade 6, SCS1 & SCS2 (and equivalents)
The successful framework suppliers will be expected to provide core and non-core services to contracting authorities with candidate requirements at Grade 6, SCS1 & SCS2 or their equivalents across the Public Sector Core Services:
- Customer planning
- Candidate identification and attraction
- Candidate assessment and evaluation
- Offer and appointment
Non-Core Services
- Talent Development Services
- Talent Mapping
- Reserve Lists & Talent Pools
- Executive Development and Coaching
- Technology Services
- International Recruitment
Evaluation criteria – 90% technical and 10% commercial
Estimated value excluding VAT: £24,750,000
Lot 2 – Executive Search – SCS3 & SCS4 (and equivalents)
The successful framework suppliers will be expected to provide core and non-core services to contracting authorities with candidate requirements at SCS 3 & SCS 4 (or their equivalents across the Public Sector). Core Services:
- Customer planning
- Candidate identification and attraction
- Candidate assessment and evaluation
- Offer and appointment
Non-Core Services:
- Talent Development Services
- Talent Mapping
- Reserve Lists & Talent Pools
- Executive Development and Coaching
- Technology Services
- International Recruitment
Estimated value excluding VAT: £11,250,000
Lot 3 – Non-Executive and Public Appointments
The successful framework suppliers will be expected to provide core and non-core services to contracting authorities with candidate requirements for either Non-Executive or Public Appointments (or their equivalents across the Public Sector). Core Services:
- Customer planning
- Candidate identification and attraction
- Candidate assessment and evaluation
- Offer and appointment
Non-Core Services:
- Talent Development Services
- Talent Mapping
- Reserve Lists & Talent Pools
- Executive Development and Coaching
- Technology Services
- International Recruitment
Estimated value excluding VAT: £9,000,000
Cyber Essentials is a mandatory requirement for Central Government contracts which involve handling personal information or provide certain ICT products/services. Government is taking steps to reduce the levels of cyber security risk in its supply chain through the Cyber Essentials scheme. The scheme defines a set of controls which, when implemented, will provide organisations with basic protection from the most prevalent forms of threat coming from the internet. To participate in this procurement, bidders must be able to demonstrate they comply with the technical requirements prescribed by Cyber Essentials, for services under and in connection with this procurement for all Lots. Cyber Essentials Plus may be required by some Customers at call off stage and this will apply to all Lots. All certificates issued prior to 1 April 2020 or before 30 June 2020 on the existing scheme are valid until 30 June 2021. This includes those issued by Accreditation Bodies other than IASME.
Name and addresses:
The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service
9th Floor, The Capital, Old Hall Street
L3 9PP
Email: supplier@crowncommercial.gov.uk
Telephone: +44 3150103503
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://crowncommercialservice.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.html
This procurement will be managed electronically via the eSourcing suite. This will be the route for sharing all information and communicating with bidders. If you have recently registered on the eSourcing suite for another CCS procurement you can use the same account for this new procurement. If not, you will first need to register your organisation on the portal.