Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: FWK1074 – Catering Service Agency Staff Framework.
Short description of the contract or purchase(s): The Corporate Officer of the House of Commons (the Authority), require a contractor(s) to provide Agency Staff for the House of Commons Catering Services Department (CS).
The framework will be split into 2 lots covering the following areas.
- Lot 1: Front of House Staff.
- Lot 2: Back of House Staff.
The Authority intends to appoint a maximum of 5 contractors per lot for this agreement.
The Authority shall appoint agencies who can demonstrate that they have the ability to supply the services identified in the requirement, in the most economically advantageous way.
Duration of the framework agreement: 39 months
Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the framework agreement excluding VAT: £1,300,000 (approx £650k – £400k per annum). This spend is expected to decrease over the course of the contract due to a shift in working practices with regards to Agency Staff.
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 12pm, 7th March 2014
You are invited to express interest in this tender and when the tender documents are available you will be notified. The Invitation to Tender documents are expected to be published by February 2014 and the contract awarded in April/May 2014. Please note these dates may change.
Click HERE to view the full notice and express interest.
Afterwards, you will need to register your company details, thereafter you will be issued with a username and password. If you have already registered with In-Tend previously, please click on the home page where you can log on using your existing username and password to collect the tender documents. If you have registered and have forgotten your username and password, please click on the forgotten password link on the In-Tend home page.
If you are experiencing problems, then please contact the In-Tend helpdesk via email: support@in-tend.com or call +44 8442728810 for further assistance.
Name, addresses and contact point(s): The Corporate Officer of the House of Commons, 14 Tothill Street, https://in-tendhost.co.uk/parliamentuk/aspx/Home, Attn: Business Support Team, SW1H 9NB, London. Tel. +44 2072191600. Email: csd@parliament.uk. Fax. +44 2072191600.
General address of the contracting authority & buyer profile: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/parliamentuk/aspx/Home