Title: SBC0225 Provision of Agency Framework Reference number: CCD01547 Short description: Stevenage Borough Council is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced companies for the Provision of Agency Workers via lotted framework. The framework will be for a period of 4 years. Suppliers are invited to tender for the provision of agency staff within a specific […]
Recruitment Agency Framework – University of Derby
Title: Recruitment Agency Services Framework Reference number: PROC JW ITT/1411 Short description: The University is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement to engage with recruitment specialists to undertake recruitment from Higher Education and Further Education roles under two Lots. Suppliers appointed to this Agency Recruitment Framework will be on a preferred supplier list for the […]
Supply Teachers & Support Staff – Outwood Grange Academies Trust
Outwood Grange Academies Trust is a multi-academy trust that operates forty schools across northern England and the East Midlands tendering for supply teachers and support staff. Reference: FTSSTSS0125 The Tenderer shall provide recruitment services for the provision of Supply Teachers, Education Support Staff and other temporary staffing services as an: Employment Businesses for temporary Assignments; […]
Temporary Recruitment Services – Orbit Housing Group
Title: Temporary Recruitment Services – PP1076 Reference number: DN758796 Short description: Orbit is seeking to appoint several Recruitment Agencies to be included on its panel for the provision of temporary recruitment who will deliver a service that is demonstrably focused on the needs of Orbit. Contract duration: 48 months Type of procedure: open procedure Envisaged […]
Recruitment Agency Services – Procurement Assist
Title: Recruitment Agency Services Reference number: PA BOS 11 GO Reference: GO-2025110-PRO-29098839 Short description: Procurement Assist Limited is seeking service providers to take part in tendering for a place on a 60 month Dynamic Purchasing System for Recruitment Agency Services. The services will be split into several different categories. The DPS will be available for […]
Supply of Agency Nurses – NHS Wales Shared Services
Title: Supply of Agency Nurses Short description: The supply of Agency Nurses, Midwives, Health Visitors, Healthcare Assistants and Operating Department Practitioners. Estimated total value excluding VAT: £60,000,000 Main site or place of performance: Various Hospitals, NHS Sites and other relevant locations throughout Wales. Duration of the framework: 3 years with the option to extend for […]
Temporary & Permanent Recruitment Tender – Birmingham University
Title: Framework agreement for the provision of Temporary, Agency and Permanent Recruitment for Professional Services and Executive Search Reference number: FRAM177/23c Short description: The University of Birmingham wishes to establish a framework for the Provision of Temporary, Agency and Permanent Recruitment across the University. The framework consists of nine Lots as listed below – further […]
Recruitment Services – Kent County Council
Title: Supply of Recruitment Services Reference number: Y25007 Type of procedure: open procedure The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement with multiple operators Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2pm, 10th January 2025 Estimated total value excluding VAT: £500,000,000 Contract duration – 48 months This contract is divided into […]
Recruitment Services Tender – SUPC
Title: Recruitment Services Reference number: PFB4054 SU Type of procedure: restricted procedure Short description: procurement of recruitment services. Estimated total value excluding VAT: £200,000,000 Contract duration: 2 years with a possible 24 month extension Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 12pm, 6th January 2025 Envisaged maximum number of participants to the […]
Temporary, Fixed and Permanent Recruitment Tender – Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) Belfast
Title: Provision of Temporary Workers, Fixed and Permanent Recruitment, Executive Search and Recruitment Advertising Services Reference number: 4993870 Short description: The Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) has a requirement for a multi-supplier framework for the provision of skilled workers across a variety of specialisms using temporary agency workers, fixed term and permanent placement and executive […]
International Recruitment of Social Work Roles – YPO & London Councils
Title: YPO 001166 – Framework for International Recruitment of Social Work Roles and Associated Services Reference number: 001166 Short description: YPO are looking for Providers to be appointed onto a Framework Agreement for the provision of the International Recruitment of Social Work Roles and Associated Services. The Framework is designed to allow YPO to meet […]
Permanent Recruitment Framework – Stonewater Housing
Title: Permanent Recruitment Preferred Supplier List (PSL) Reference number: 00481-CS Main activity: Housing and community amenities Short description: Stonewater is seeking to enhance its recruitment capabilities by establishing an updated Preferred Supplier List (PSL) for their permanent staffing needs. As a leading housing association, it requires a diverse range of skilled professionals to support our […]
Recruitment Agency Framework – Hillcrest (Scotland)
Title: Recruitment Agency Framework Agreement Reference number: COS/R007 Main activity: Housing and community amenities Short description: Framework Agreement for Recruitment Agency Services. (Temp and Perm Staff). We operate over several geographical areas meaning that provision could be required in any of these areas including – Dundee, Angus, Fife, Perth and Kinross, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and […]
Agency Staff Framework – Welwyn & Hatfield Borough Council
Title: WHC – Agency Staff Reference number: C1110 Short description: Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council in seeking to appoint Agencies to provide temporary staff. The contracts are being offered in 3 Lots: Lot 1 – General Temporary Staff – value excluding VAT: £3,200,000 Lot 2 – Environmental Health Staff – value excluding VAT: £3,600,000 Lot 3 […]
Framework for Supply of Temporary Resource – London Luton Airport (LLA)
Title: Framework for the Supply of Temporary Resource Reference number: L23160-T-MC Short description: Zero value framework contract for the provision of temporary resource. London Luton Airport (LLA) are looking to tender a framework agreement for the supply of “Temporary Resource” to be deployed across LLA operational departments to support potential shortfall of resource through peak […]
Framework for Finance Recruitment – University of Glasgow
Title: Provision of a Framework for the Delivery of Finance Recruitment Services Reference number: PURCH2300 Location: Glasgow Contract duration: 4 years with an option to extend for 2 further periods of 12 months. Type of procedure: open procedure The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators Time limit for receipt of […]
Recruitment Agency Framework – Abri Group Agreement
Abri is seeking to put in place a Framework Agreement for the provision of services that can support the staffing requirements across the Abri Group. Abri requires suitably experienced Recruitment Agencies to consistently provide professional levels of performance and conduct whilst meeting the temporary, permanent and fixed term staffing requirements with top quality candidates. The […]
Recruitment Agency Provision – Solihull College
Title: Recruitment Agency Provision Reference number: HRAG_0224 Short description: The College wishes to establish its own ‘framework’ of ‘appointed’ recruitment agencies to call off from when a vacancy arises. This will cover all temporary, temporary to permanent, permanent and interim contract personnel. Please see the Guidance document for further information. Estimated total value excluding VAT: […]
Temporary & Interim Recruitment DPS – Connect2Halton
Title: Invitation to join a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) of Temporary Agency, Contractor and Interim Agencies for Preferred Supplier Listing (PSL) Status for Halton Borough Council – Y25002 Halton Borough Council & Kent Commercial Services Limited T/A Connect2Halton, is a joint venture between Halton Borough Council & Kent Commercial Services Kent Ltd (CSKL) (a wholly […]
Recruitment Services – Karbon Homes
Title: Recruitment Services Reference number: CA14171 – 202401-GS03 Short description: Requirements and expectations of Karbon Homes Ltd (Karbon) for any recruitment agency or partner (Agency / Agencies) providing fixed term, temporary, or permanent recruitment services Location: Durham and Tyneside Contract duration: 49 months from the commencement date, with 37 initial months and option to extend […]
Agency Recruitment Services Tender – University of Derby
Title: Agency Recruitment Services Tender Reference number: PROC KB ITT 1186 Short description: The University is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement to engage with recruitment specialists to undertake recruitment from Executive to Academic roles under five Lots. They are looking for agencies who have the credentials and interests to contribute to fulfilling the University’s […]
Temp & Perm Recruitment PSL – Thirteen Housing
Title: Temp and Perm Recruitment PSL (Framework) Reference number: THIR 23 929 Short description: At Thirteen, we’ve been working to help improve the lives of people in our neighbourhoods for years. We provide our customers with homes, support and opportunities to grow. We own and manage 35,000 properties across the North East and Yorkshire and […]
Recruitment Framework – Abri
Title: Abri Recruitment Agency Framework Agreement Reference number: P/ABRI 0930/2024 Short description: Abri is seeking to put in place a Framework Agreement for the provision of services that can support the staffing requirements across the Abri Group. Abri requires suitably experienced Recruitment Agencies to consistently provide professional levels of performance and conduct whilst meeting the […]
Corporate Services Temp & Perm Recruitment DPS – National Audit Office
Title: CPT_23_02 Corporate Services Temporary and Permanent Recruitment Roles DPS Short description: The National Audit Office (NAO) the UK’s independent public spending watchdog is seeking to establish a multi–Supplier Recruitment services Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) Agreement for the supply of Corporate staff based on 16 different subcategories. The purpose of the DPS Agreement is to […]
Temporary Cleaning Staff – University of Kent
Title: Temporary Agency Cleaning Staff Reference number: MH23_005 Short description: The University of Kent requires casual staff during their business-critical conference periods, at the Canterbury campus. These staff will supplement an in-house team of substantive cleaners and will work alongside them to ensure the residential accommodation is turned around from student accommodation to hotel standard […]
Temporary Workers – Ashford Borough Council
Title: Supply of Temporary Workers Reference number: TEMP/24/1 Short description: ABC are looking to procure employment organisations to provide a contract for services for PAYE workers to fulfil specific roles within Ashford Borough Council on a temporary basis. They will not be self-employed workers. They are seeking two generic agencies and two agencies that can […]
National & International Permanent Recruitment (NIPR) – HealthTrust Europe
Title: Total Workforce Solutions III: National and International Permanent Recruitment Short description: The Tender is to establish a portfolio of Framework Agreements for the supply of National And International Permanent Recruitment Services including Recruitment Process Optimisation and Statements of Work. These will be for the provision of workforce solutions in the healthcare sector for the […]
Total Workforce Solutions III Temporary Staffing – HealthTrust Europe
Title: Total Workforce Solutions III: Temporary Staffing Solutions Short description: Framework Agreement for the Supply of Recruitment Services The Tender is to establish a portfolio of Framework Agreements for the provision of workforce solutions in the healthcare sector for the NHS, wider public sector and all other bodies as detailed within the Contract Notice, including […]
Temporary and Permanent Staffing – Wolverhampton College
Title: City of Wolverhampton College Framework for Temporary and Permanent Staffing Reference number: CA13071 Short description: City of Wolverhampton College is looking to put in place a supplier framework for Temporary and Permanent staffing, provided by agencies for an initial period of 3 years and starting 05 February 2023 expiring 04 February 2026, with two […]
Temporary & Permanent Recruitment – LiveWest
Title: Recruitment Agencies – Temporary & Permanent Reference number: DN696495 Short description: LiveWest is seeking to establish a Framework Contract for the supply of Temporary & Permanent staff across multiple lots (lots detailed in ITT). The successful supplier(s) will be required to work in partnership with LiveWest to ensure that value for money and an […]
Managing Recruitment & Resourcing – YPO
Title: YPO – 001140 Managing Recruitment and Resourcing Reference number: 001140 Short description: YPO are looking for Providers to be appointed onto a Framework Agreement for the provision of Managing Recruitment and Resourcing. The Framework is designed to meet the needs of all public sector organisations which includes YPO’s internal requirements. YPO are purchasing on […]
Agency Workers Non-Medical (covers AHP, Social Work, Professional, Technical and Admin) – Northern Ireland
Title: Agency Workers – Non-medical Reference number: 3059470 Short description: Supply of non-medical Agency Workers (Excluding Nurses and Healthcare Support Workers) to Health and Social Care Trusts and other Healthcare organisations in Northern Ireland. Estimated total value excluding VAT: £420,000,000 Evaluation weightings: Quality criterion – 50% Quality criterion – 10% Price – 40% Contract duration: […]
Recruitment Framework – National Nuclear Laboratory
Title: Recruitment Services Framework Reference number: NNLC499 Short description: NNL are looking to put in place a framework of suppliers to help us recruit high calibre candidates to fill our permanent roles. The typical permanent roles we are looking to fill have been broken down into the Lots below: Lot 1 – Procurement and Commercial […]
Recruitment for IS Roles – GMC
Title: Recruitment for Preferred Supplier List – IS Roles GMC Reference number: GMC1810 Short description: The GMC would like to create a preferred list of three suppliers to service our recruitment needs for our IS recruitment needs. Agencies will provide support where needed for the permanent or fixed term recruitment of, and the supply of […]
Recruitment Agencies Framework – First Choice Homes Oldham
Title: Recruitment Agencies Framework Short description: First Choice Homes Oldham are seeking to appoint a minimum of 4 recruitment agencies to each of a number of sub Lots to provide candidates to cover permanent, fixed term, temporary and interim staff employees for a 4-year framework. Estimated total value excluding VAT: £1,000,000 Main site or place […]
Financial Audit Temporary and Permanent Recruitment – National Audit Office
Title: CPT_23_02 Financial Audit Temporary and Permanent Recruitment services Short description: The National Audit Office (NAO) the UK’s independent public spending watchdog is looking for organisations who can deliver Financial Audit Temporary and Permanent Recruitment Services which support the NAO’s permanent and temporary audit staffing needs. Type of procedure: open procedure Time limit for receipt […]
Temporary Agency Nurses and ODPs – Common Services Agency (NHS Scotland)
Title: Temporary Agency Nurses & Operating Department Practitioners Reference number: NP51023 Short description: The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as National Services Scotland) (“the Authority”) acting through its division Procurement, Commissioning and Facilities is undertaking this procurement of the supply of Temporary Agency Nurses, Healthcare assistants and Operating Department Practitioners on behalf of all […]
Temporary Staff Tender – Hertsmere Borough Council
Title: HBC 0323 The provision of Temporary Staff Reference number: HC259 Short description: Hertsmere Borough Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is seeking to set up a series of framework agreements for the supply of temporary staff. The Procurement is being undertaken in a number of Lots covering different specialisms. The council is looking […]
Clinical & Healthcare Staffing Framework – Workforce Alliance
Title: M6281 National Framework for the Provision of Clinical and Healthcare Staffing Reference number: LPP/2023/011 Short description: Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust on behalf of NHS London Procurement Partnership on behalf of the Workforce Alliance is putting in place a pan Government collaborative Framework Contract for use by UK (and any Crown Dependencies) […]
Temporary & Permanent Recruitment Tender – Cambridge Regional College
Title: CRC Agency Staff Dynamic Purchasing System Reference number: CRC/Agency/2023-2027 Short description: The provision of Temporary and Permanent Agency Staff. Cambridge Regional College is looking to put in place a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Temporary and Permanent staffing provided by Agencies for an initial period of over 4 years and expiring 31st July 2027.The […]
Allied Health Professionals – NHS Scotland
Title: Temporary Agency Allied Health Professionals & Other Clinical Professions Reference number: NP505-22 Short description: The supply of temporary agency Allied Health Professionals and other clinical professions (including HSS and Pharmacy) to All entities constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, (i.e. all NHS Scotland Health Boards, Special Health Boards and the […]
Temporary and Permanent Recruitment – SUPC
SUPC – Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium Title: Temporary and Permanent (TAP) Recruitment Services Reference number: PFB4054SU Short description: For the provision of temporary and permanent recruitment services. Estimated total value excluding VAT: £250,000,000 Contract duration in months: 48 Type of procedure: Restricted procedure The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators […]
Temporary Workers and Supply Teachers – Welsh Government
Title: Temporary Workers & Supply Teachers Reference number: WGCD-PCS-119-22 Short description: The Welsh Government Commercial & Delivery team (formerly NPS), on behalf of the Welsh public sector, wishes to establish a collaborative framework agreement for the supply of Temporary Workers (including Supply Teachers). Key areas include (but are not limited to): Corporate Workers Social Care […]
Temporary Staffing – University of Huddersfield
Title: Temporary Staffing Services Reference number: HUD-HR-007 Short description: The University of Huddersfield intends to establish an agreement for the supply of Temporary Staffing Services. The contract period for this agreement is 3 years, plus the option to extend for a further 12 months, subject to continued demand, satisfactory performance and pricing. Estimated total value […]
Executive Search – Nottingham Trent University
Title: Executive Search and Resourcing Services Reference number: NTU/22/2202/DS Short description: The University has a commitment to protect its staff and property. Emphasis is therefore placed on the character and background of individuals. The Supplier shall ensure candidates are fully screened before their details are provided to the University as potential candidates to ensure no […]
Agency Workers Nursing & Health Care Support – HSC Northern Ireland
Title: Agency Workers – Nursing and Health Care Support [3063890] Reference number: 3063890 Short description: Agency Workers – Nursing and Health Care Support Workers Estimated total value excluding VAT: £735,000,000 Place of performance: Northern Ireland Evaluation weightings – quality – 50, social value – 10, price – 40 Contract duration 24 months with options to […]
Non Clinical Staffing RM6277 – CCS
Title: Non Clinical Staffing Reference number: RM6277 Short description: Crown Commercial Service as the Authority, on behalf of NHS Workforce Alliance, is putting in place a Pan Government collaborative Framework Contract for use by UK (and any Crown Dependencies) Public Sector bodies identified at VI.3 (and any future successors to these organisations), which include Central […]
Agency Workers – Canterbury Environment Group
Title: Supply of Agency workers for Canterbury Environment Company Reference number: DN638376 Short description: Canterbury City Council on behalf of Canterbury Environment Company are procuring Agency staff who will work within Canterbury City Council district. A range of staff are required Estimated total value excluding VAT: £1,200,000 Place of performance: South East England Award criteria […]
Agency Staffing Framework – DN Colleges Group
Title: DN Colleges Group – ITT for a place on the Framework for Agency Staffing Reference number: CA11239 Short description: DN Colleges Group – ITT for a place on the Framework for Agency Staffing. The staffing requirements under this framework tender are split into three lots: Lot 1 Teaching and Lecturing Staff including Assessors and […]
Recruitment DPS – Jisc
Title: Staff Agency Dynamic Purchasing System Reference number: Proc1976 Short description: Jisc is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) that will enable Jisc to contract with agencies to supply permanent, fixed and temporary workers. Estimated total value excluding VAT: £4,000,000 Duration of the DPS: 60 months. The DPS will run for 1 year with the […]
NHS Workforce Alliance – International Healthcare Professional Recruitment & Associated Services
Title: Framework Agreement for the provision of International Healthcare Professionals Recruitment & Associated Services. Reference number: RM6333 Short description: NHS Commercial Solutions, in collaboration with its NHS Workforce Alliance partners, is seeking to procure, through a framework agreement, a panel of suitably experienced and qualified suppliers of International Healthcare Professional Recruitment and Associated services to […]
Agency Recruitment PSL – Great Places Housing Group
Title: Agency Recruitment Preferred Supplier List Reference number: DN622391 Short description: Preferred Supplier List to secure temporary, fixed term and permanent workers for Great Places Housing Group roles. Type of procedure: Open procedure Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 12pm, 5th September 2022 Contract duration: 36 months Place of performance: UKD […]
Property Services and Trades Recruitment PSL – Hyde Housing
Title: Property Services and Trades Recruitment – Preferred Supplier List (PSL) Short description: It is Hyde’s intention in respect of this ITT to create a multiple source Framework Agreement for the supply of Property Services and Trades Recruitment. The Service Provider will generally be required to provide recruitment services subject to project specific requirements under […]
Contractor Recruitment PSL – Hyde Housing
Title: CONTRACTOR RECRUITMENT – Preferred Supplier List (PSL) Short description: It is Hyde’s intention in respect of this invitation to tender to create a multiple source Framework Agreement for the supply of Contractor Recruitment Services. The Service Provider will generally be required to provide contractor recruitment services subject to project specific requirements under each Call-off […]
Recruitment PSL – Affinity Water
Title: Recruitment PSL Agreement 2022 Reference number: C-03915 Short description: Affinity Water has a requirement for Agency Recruitment Services including permanent, fixed term, contractors and agency temps for the Company. The PSL workstreams will be split into Lots (no information provided on what lots are in this notice). Estimated contract value excluding VAT: £1,700,000 Contract […]
Medical Locum Doctors – NHS National Services Scotland
Title: Supply of Agency Temporary Medical Locum Doctors Reference number: NP50022 Short description: The provision of agency temporary Medical locum doctors to NHS Scotland Entities constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978 ( ie all Health boards, special Health Boards, Health Improvement Scotland and the Common services Agency ) The Authority is […]
Interim & Temporary Staff Services – Scottish Government
There are currently 4 separate tenders for interim and temporary staff services for the Scottish Government. Instead of running this as one tender with 4 lots, they are running it as 4 separate tenders (all with the same deadline). Information for each framework can be found on the following links: Framework Agreement for Interim IT […]
Non Clinical Staffing – CCS – PIN ONLY!
This is a PRIOR INFORMATION NOTICE, so is for information and advance planning only – this tender will not be published until November 2022. Title: Non Clinical Staffing Reference number: RM6277 Short description: Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Authority, on behalf of NHS Workforce Alliance wishes to bring to the attention of the market […]
Executive Recruitment Services Framework – Aberystwyth University
Short description: Aberystwyth University wishes to establish an internal Framework for senior search and recruitment services. The intention in establishing this Framework is to provide the University with access to specialist recruitment services in certain identified areas, and to achieve this required outcome we will invite bids from organisations on singular or multiple Lots depending […]
Catering Agency Staff Framework – Houses of Commons & Lords
Title: FWK1144 – Catering Agency Staff Framework Short description: The Corporate Officer of the House of Commons and the Corporate Officer of the House of Lords (the Authority) is seeking to contract with several suppliers under a Framework Agreement for the provision of Catering Agency Staff. Contract duration: 48 months Type of procedure: Open procedure […]
International Nurse Recruitment – Guys & St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
Title: International Recruitment Short description: Over the last year the Trust has committed to a limited international recruitment (IR) plan through the Capital Nurse programme and bespoke specialty areas including Theatres and Critical Care. The aim of this tender is to appoint international recruitment agencies to now expand the IR across the Trust. Key Deliverables: […]
Temporary Staff Framework – York College
Title: York College: Temporary Staff Framework Reference number: CA9976 Short description: The College is establishing a local framework agreement to meet its temporary staffing requirements. The contract will be divided into two Lots Lot 1: Educational & Academic Staff Including, but not limited to, academic/teaching staff, vocational lecturers, learning mentors, learning support assistants, classroom assistants, […]
Executive Recruitment Tender – NEPO
Title: NEPO525 Executive Recruitment Reference number: NEPO525 Short description: The Association of North East Councils Trading As the North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO) is seeking to establish a multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Executive Recruitment services for use by Contracting Authorities throughout the UK. Estimated total value excluding VAT: £10,000,000 NEPO are using […]
Supply Teachers Framework – CCS
Title: Supply Teachers and Temporary Staff (STaTS) Reference number: RM6238 Short description: Crown Commercial Service intends to establish an agreement for the recruitment of temporary and fixed term teachers and non-teaching staff for UK schools, colleges and educational establishments including nurseries, pupil referral units, and children centres. The purpose of this framework agreement is to […]
Executive & Non-Executive Recruitment Services – CCS
Title: Executive and Non-Executive Recruitment Services Reference number: RM6290 Short description: Crown Commercial Service, as the authority, intends to put in place an agreement for the supply of recruitment Services to UK public sector bodies including central government departments (and their arm’s length bodies and agencies) and non-departmental public bodies, as well as wider public […]
Future Workforce Framework – CCS – PRIOR INFORMATION NOTICE – PIN
PRIOR INFORMATION NOTICE ONLY – PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A LIVE TENDER!!! Future Workforce Framework – Crown Commercial Service The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is developing a new long-term contracting solution for the provision of temporary workers to replace the current framework, RM3749 Public Sector Resourcing. The aim of this framework is to build […]
International AHP Recruitment Partner – Herts & West Essex ICS
Title: International Allied Health Professional Recruitment Partner, Herts & West Essex ICS Reference number: C1546.379 Short description: On behalf of member and partner organisations in the Herts and West Essex Integrated Care System (ICS), Salisbury are supporting their procurement of a partner organisation to deliver high-quality recruitment services for International Allied Health Professionals. Bidding organisations […]
Recruitment Agency Tender – Lewisham Homes Ltd
Title: Procurement for the Supply of Recruitment Agency Partners Short description: Lewisham Homes Ltd as the London Borough of Lewisham’s housing company intends to appoint a range of economic operators to support its interim, permanent and temporary staffing needs. The service model will be established as a Framework and will deliver the general and specialist/technical […]
Executive and Academic Recruitment Framework – University of Derby
Title: Executive and Academic Recruitment Framework Reference number: PROC DMC ITT/560 Short description: University of Derby’s vision is for Derby to be recognised as an inclusive university, providing the knowledge, experience and support that give students the skills and confidence to achieve what they are capable of. The University is seeking to establish a Framework […]
Strategic HR Services – ESPO
Description: In this present instance, ESPO is undertaking a procurement process to identify and appoint a number of service providers to provide strategic HR services. To reflect the different types of strategic HR services required, the framework will offer customers a wide range of recruitment and HR services, to include: Lot 1 – Executive and […]
Waste Services Temporary Staff – Lichfield District Council
Title: LDC-130 Temporary Agency Staff Short description: Provision of Temporary Agency Staff for Joint Waste Service and Steetscene Services through a two supplier framework agreement. Estimated total value excl VAT: £2,000,000 Place of performance: Shropshire, Staffordshire and West Midlands Contract duration: An initial period of three years with the option to extend by a further […]
Grounds Maintenance Agency Staff – Folkestone & Hythe District Council
Title: Provision of Grounds Maintenance Agency Staff Reference number: DN581901 Short description: The council requires a variety of Temporary Agency Workers (TAW) are required as outlined below: Seasonal grounds Maintenance Operatives Seasonal Toilet Cleaners Seasonal Tractor Driver Seasonal Assistant Park Keepers Seasonal Sports Attendant Seasonal Gardener Seasonal Litter Picker However, agencies should note that this […]
Executive Search and Interim Management Recruitment Services – Solent University
Title: Executive Search and Selection and Interim Management Recruitment Services Short description: The University is seeking to appoint a Supplier for the provision of executive search and selection and interim management recruitment services. These services include recruitment services for senior roles, such as Executive and Senior Academic roles and Senior Professional roles. These roles may […]
Temporary & Permanent Recruitment Framework – Gentoo Group
Title: Gentoo Recruitment Framework for the provision of temporary and permanent recruitment Reference number: CHOR009 Short description: Gentoo require the establishment of a framework agreement for the provision of both temporary and permanent recruitment. This framework has been split into 5 lots, details of which can be found within the tender documents. Contract value excluding […]
Agency Staff Tender – South Cambridgeshire District Council
Title: South Cambridgeshire District Council – Agency Staff 2021 Tender covering South Cambridgeshire District Council Cambridge City Council Huntingdonshire District Council Reference number: DN574718 Short description: South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) are looking for suitably qualified and experienced Agencies to provide temporary agency staff to SCDC. SCDC are therefore establishing an Agency Staff Framework Contract […]
International Midwife Recruitment Partner – Herts & West Essex ICS
Title: International Midwife Recruitment Partner, Herts & West Essex ICS Reference number: C1546.366 Short description: On behalf of member and partner organisations in the Herts and West Essex Integrated Care System (ICS), Salisbury are supporting their procurement of a partner organisation to deliver high-quality recruitment services for International Midwives. Bidding organisations must adhere to the […]
Crown Commercial Service Permanent Recruitment 2 Framework
Title: Permanent Recruitment 2 Reference number: RM6229 Short Description: Crown Commercial Service, as the Authority, intends to put in place an agreement for the provision of Permanent Recruitment Services for use by Central Government and UK public sector bodies. This will be the replacement agreement for RM6002 Permanent Recruitment Solutions and will support the hiring […]
Recruitment Services Tender – Believe Housing
Title: Recruitment Services of Temporary Agency Workers, Fixed-Term and Permanent Staff Reference number: believe-2021 240 Recruitment Services of Temporary Agency Workers, Fixed-Term and Permanent Staff. This will be across a number of disciplines outlined within each lot outlined within the tender pack. This contract is divided into lots and tenders may be submitted for all […]
Recruitment PSL – Affinity Water
Recruitment PSL – Affinity Water Title: Recruitment PSL Agreement 2021 Reference number: C-03771 Short description: Affinity Water has a requirement for Agency Recruitment Services including, permanent, fixed term, contractors, and agency temps for the Company. Estimated total value excluding VA: £1,700,000 Contract duration: 24 months with the option to extend in one month increments up […]
HR Resourcing – Multi-Lot Tender – Satellite Applications Catapult
Title: HR Resourcing RFFP Reference number: RFFP-FY-22-11 Short description: The purpose of this RFFP is to assist the Catapult in establishing a Recruitment Services Framework by appointing a number of professional, reliable recruitment agencies to meet their ongoing recruitment requirements. Estimated total value excluding VAT: £1,500,000 Type of procedure – open procedure The procurement involves […]
Temporary Maintenance Staff Tender – Scottish Prison Service
Title: 01887 The Provision of Temporary Maintenance Staff Reference number: 01887 Short description: The SPS has a number of facilities containing buildings and equipment which are required to be inspected, serviced and maintained. This work is carried out by the Estates and Technical services Directorate managed by SPS HQ. There are currently 13 public prisons […]
Contingent Recruitment Services Tender for Digital Posts – The National Archives
Title: Contingent Recruitment Services Short description: The objective of this tender exercise is to source a single supplier to deliver contingent recruitment services to The National Archives, for a specific number of on-payroll Digital Posts during a specific period of time. All details are specified in the attached ITT document. Estimated total value excluding VAT: […]
Supply Teachers & Educational Agency Workers – Leeds City Council
Framework for the supply of temporary teachers and educational staff to be used by all schools in Leeds that are maintained by Leeds City Council and also those schools and colleges that are not maintained Leeds City Council but buy a combined Human Resources (HR) and Health and Safety (H&S) Service Level Agreement (SLA) provided […]
Renewable Energy Permanent Roles Tender – Crown Estate Scotland
Title: Recruitment Agency Services (Permanent Roles) for Energy and Infrastructure team Short description: Framework for a specialist recruitment agency to source candidates for permanent roles (including known requirements for eight additional posts over the next two years and any other similar roles which may be required) within our Energy and Infrastructure team (E&I). Crown Estate […]
Executive and Senior Academic Search & Recruitment Tender – Heriot-Watt University
Short description: Framework for full Executive and Senior Academic Search and Recruitment Services for Heriot-Watt University Place of performance – Edinburgh and Orkney Islands Contract duration: 12 months with up to 2 x 12 month extensions Type of procedure: open procedure The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators. Envisaged maximum […]
Recruitment PSL – Harris Federation
Title: Refresh of Preferred Supplier List for Recruitment Agencies for Harris Federation Short description: Harris Federation is refreshing its Preferred Supplier List (PSL) to secure the provision of specialist recruitment services that support the staffing requirements of all existing, and future, academies within the Federation. As one of the largest multi academy trusts in the […]
CCS Supply Teachers & Temporary Staff in Educational Establishments – PIN
PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A PIN AND NOT A CONTRACT NOTICE! This PIN is to signal that CCS has an intention to commence market engagement with those within the Education Workforce market. The CCS intends to hold market engagement sessions during June and July 2021 with industry stakeholders and suppliers interested in potentially bidding for […]
Recruitment PSL – NHS Property Services
The purpose of the tender is to create a pool of recruitment providers who will be available to provide recruitment services upon request from NHS Property Services (NHSPS). Once the Appointed Providers are contracted with NHSPS, they will be approached to provide services based on the regions they operate in and functions they can cover. […]
Temporary Staff Framework – Sheffield Hallam University
Title: Temporary Staff Framework – Sheffield Hallam University Reference number: 2021-20-HROD-JK Short description: The University is seeking to appoint up 3 agencies on to a Framework Agreement with the professional expertise and service capability to provide cost-effective temporary workers. Support is required for a number of reasons including cover for sickness absence, a short-term increase […]
Temporary and permanent Catering Staff Tender – University Caterers Organisation
Tender for provision of temporary and permanent catering staff Reference number: CAT11051-TU Short description: Provision of recruitment services for temporary and permanent catering staff to members of TUCO. Members operate across the UK. The majority of the requirement will be for temporary catering staff, with some requirements for permanent and fixed-term catering staff. Users of […]
Multi-Sector Interim & Permanent Recruitment Tender – YPO – LGRP
Short description: London Borough of Waltham Forest and YPO are procuring a nationwide framework for executive, interim and permanent recruitment of staff, along with HR consultancy, marketing and advertising. The two organisations are working together to develop a recruitment solution that meets the needs of public sector organisations. The Framework will be accessible for use […]
Permanent International Medical/Clinical Recruitment – HSC Northern Ireland (NHS Trusts)
Run by the Procurement & Logistics Service, this tender is to establish a framework agreement to provide permanent international medical and clinical recruitment services to the following trusts in Northern Ireland: Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Northern Health and Social Care Trust South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust Southern Health and Social Care […]
Temporary Worker Framework – New Forest District Council
Tender for the supply of Temporary Worker Services under a multi-supplier framework agreement commencing 12 April 2021 (4 year term) Staff types required under this framework: Administration & Secretarial Accounts & Finance Civil Engineering Customer Service Environmental Health & Facilities Management (including Cleaners) Housing HR ICT Legal Surveyors Revenues & Benefits Planning Officers Procurement Vehicle […]
Global Recruitment for Medical Staff – Western Health & Social Care Trust Northern Ireland
Buyer Organisation: Procurement and Logistics Service Title: Global Recruitment Service for Medical Staff for WHSCT [3080007] CfT CA Unique ID: PaLS-3450 Description: Global Recruitment Service for Medical Staff for the Western Health and Social Care Trust Procedure: Open Participating bodies: Western Health and Social Care Trust Above or Below OJEU Threshold: Above Time-limit for receipt […]
Permanent & Fixed Term Recruitment Tender – Calmac Ferries
Permanent & fixed term recruitment tender for Calmac Ferries. Formal title: Framework Agreement for Permanent and Fixed Term Recruitment Short description: David MacBrayne HR (UK) Ltd, a subsidiary of David MacBrayne Ltd, is seeking to enter into a Framework Agreement with suitably qualified and experienced Recruitment Agencies for a Search (Database Selection) and Headhunting (Retained […]
International Permanent Nursing Personnel – Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Tender to provide international nurses for Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust covering all of Oxford University hospital sites. Value of contract: £300,000 to £3,000,000 Closing date: 2.30pm, 3rd February 2021 Contract start date: 5 April 2021 Contract end date: 3 April 2023 Procedure type: Open procedure Contract is suitable for SMEs? Yes Description: Oxford […]
Tender for Nurses, Midwives, ODPs & Healthcare Assistants – NHS Wales SSP
Title: The Supply of Agency Nurses, Midwives, Health Visitors, Healthcare Assistants and Operating Department Practitioners Short description: The supply of agency nurses, midwives, health visitors, healthcare assistants and operating department practitioners. Estimated total value: Value excluding VAT: 70,000,000.00 GBP Information about lots: This contract is divided into lots: no Place of performance: Various Hospitals, NHS […]
Permanent & Fixed Term Staff Tender – SQA
Title: Permanent and Fixed Term Staff Recruitment Fulfilment Short description: SQA intends to award a framework agreement to supply qualified permanent and fixed term staff covering a variety of roles. Estimated total value: £480k Main site or place of performance: Glasgow or Dalkeith. Award criteria – quality – 60% and price 40% Contract duration – […]
Temporary Workers Tender – Erewash Borough Council
Title: EBCT 282 – Tender for the Provision of Contingent Workers Short description: The Council delivers a number of operational frontline services using a skilled in-house workforce. In order to meet fluctuations in service demand and staff absences due to annual leave, sickness and training the Council regularly needs to supplement its own workforce with […]
Temporary Agency Staff (HGV/Vactor Agricultural Operators) – United Utilities
Title: Temporary Agency Staff Short description: United Utilities has a requirement for temporary agency staff to support shortfalls in the company’s own employees specifically for vactor operators and HGV driving staff due to sickness, holidays and other reasons. The requirements will be awarded in three separate lots: Lot 1: Regional Response and Logistics Drivers (North […]
Temporary Agency Workers Tender – Northern Ireland Civil Service
Title: Provision of Temporary Agency Workers for Northern Ireland Civil Service, Agencies and Non Departmental Public Bodies Short description: This contract is for the provision of temporary agency workers as defined by Regulation 3 of the Agency Workers Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011 (AWRs). The contractor shall act as an employment business (as defined in Section […]
Agency Recruitment Services Framework – Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman – PHSO
Title: Agency Recruitment Services Framework Short description: PHSO is pleased to invite you to submit a formal tender submission for the opportunity to be included on PHSO’s Recruitment Agency framework for the provision of recruitment services. The framework length will be for 2 years with the option to extend for up to 2 further years […]
Recruitment Services Tender – ORE Catapult
Title: Recruitment Services Framework Short description: It is ORE Catapult’s intention to utilise this recruitment services framework to replace staff in situations of turnover and growth at their locations throughout the UK. Although requirements may vary, it is expected that a wide range of disciplines may need to be recruited. It is anticipated that a […]
Permanent & Fixed Term Recruitment Tender – SQA
Short description: SQA intends to award a framework agreement to supply qualified permanent and fixed term staff covering a variety of roles. Estimated total value: £480k Main site or place of performance: Glasgow or Edinburgh. Contract duration: 36 months with the option to extend for a further 12 months Time limit for receipt of tenders […]
Oxford City Council – Temporary Agency Staff
Title: Temporary Agency Staff for Oxford City Council Short description: This contract is to provide temporary staff to the Council to support the delivery of its services across its companies. This procurement is being run as two separate lots and tenders may be submitted for all lots. Lot 1: Professional and Business Support – supply […]
Temporary Labour Tender – Braintree District Council
Title: Temporary Labour Short description: Braintree District Council are procuring a single vendor who will take responsibility for providing the council with temporary workers. The successful organisation will need to demonstrate that they are able to deliver workers to the geographical locations and for the areas of expertise/service specified. The contract will be for an […]
Recruitment Frameworks – Yorkshire Water Services
Yorkshire Water Services (YWS) makes sure that all 5.2 million people living in the region have clean and safe drinking water on tap and that their wastewater is taken away. Our customers are at the heart of what we do and how we do things. We work best as a company to deliver this when […]
Recruitment Services Framework – Radian Housing
Recruitment Services Framework for Radian Housing. Short description: Radian requires a number of suitably experienced recruitment agencies that can consistently provide professional levels of performance and conduct whilst meeting both the temporary, permanent and fixed term staffing requirements of radian with top quality candidates. The supplier will need to deliver high quality control and effective […]
Recruitment Services Tender – Scottish Futures Trust
Title: Recruitment Services Short description: SFT wishes to appoint one supplier to each of four Lots of a framework agreement for the provision of recruitment services for a term of 4 years. Estimated total value excluding VAT: £250k Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system: 48 months Type of procedure: Open Procedure […]
Recruitment Services Tender – The Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
Title: Recruitment Services Framework Agreement Short description: The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) regulates auditors, accountants and actuaries and sets the UK’s Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes. We seek to promote transparency and integrity in business; our work is aimed at investors and others who rely on company accounts, audit and high-quality risk management. We are […]
Recruitment Services – Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) – North East England
Title: Recruitment Services Short description: Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) are seeking to establish several strategic recruitment talent partners to support us to identify ideal candidates for a range of roles in our North East sites. Our employees are critical to the work we do. Coming from all levels of academia and industry, they apply […]
LGV Drivers Tender – Winter Service Duties – DfI, Belfast
Title: DfI — Provision of LGV Drivers for Winter Service Duties Award criteria Quality criterion – Name: Quality / Weighting: 60 Cost criterion – Name: Cost / Weighting: 40 Estimated value excluding VAT £2.5m Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system: 60 months Type of procedure: Open Procedure Time limit for receipt […]
Recruitment Tender – Procurement Assist (for iFM Bolton & Whole Public Sector)
Title: Recruitment Agency Services – Reference number: PA BOS 11 Short description: Procurement Assist Ltd is seeking service providers to take part in tendering for a place on a 60-month dynamic purchasing system for recruitment agency services. The services will be split into several different categories — please see the overview document for more information. […]
Recruitment Tender – Thirteen Housing Group
Title: Framework Agreement for the Provision of Recruitment Services Short description: Thirteen require the arrangement of a framework agreement to be established for the provision of recruitment services. We will appoint up to 5 suppliers per lot (up to 20 suppliers in total) and bidders can provide a submission for more than one lot. The […]
Executive Recruitment Framework – University of Nottingham
Title: Executive Recruitment Framework Short description: The University of Nottingham is looking to create a framework agreement for executive search services for recruitment of executive/senior academic roles and executive/senior professional services roles the framework agreement will be valid for 3 years with the option to extend for a further 12 months. The University is looking […]
Temporary Drivers & Manual Workers Tender – Thanet District Council
Title: Framework Agreement for Temporary Employment Agency/Agencies to Supply Temporary Staff to Stated Work Groups Short description: Thanet District Council is seeking to select and appoint to a framework agreement 1 or more (maximum of 4) suitably qualified employment agencies for the provision of temporary staff to the council for roles specified (mainly commercial drivers […]
Recruitment Services Tender – Harris Federation DPS
Title: Refresh of Preferred Supplier List for Recruitment Agencies for Harris Federation Short description: Harris Federation is refreshing its Preferred Supplier List (PSL) to secure the provision of specialist recruitment services that support the staffing requirements of all existing, and future, academies within the Federation. As one of the largest multi academy trusts in the […]
International Nurse Recruitment – Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board, Wales
Title: Provision of International Nurse Recruitment for Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board The health board is seeking to commission the recruitment of a minimum of 100 nurses from outside of the UK to support the current vacancies for qualified nurses in all areas of the health board, including general, paediatric, mental health and community nurses. Specific […]
HTE Total Workforce Solutions II – HealthTrust Europe
Title: HTE Total Workforce Solutions II Short description: HealthTrust Europe is seeking to establish a framework agreement for the provision of workforce solutions in the healthcare sector for the NHS, registered charities, wider public sector and all other bodies as detailed within the OJEU Contract Notice including fully managed service: bank and agency, bank and […]
Recruitment Tender – Nottingham College
Title: Recruitment of Either Temporary, Permanent or Contracted Agency Staff Contract Start: 01/04/2020, Contract End: 31/03/2023 with renewals on a year by year basis. Type of procedure: Open procedure The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 12pm, 17th January 2020 […]
Agency Staff Recruitment Tender – Beyond Housing Scarborough
Recruitment tender for Beyond Housing Ltd Title: Provision of Agency Staff — Framework Short description: Recruitment Tender to create a framework, to provide Beyond Housing with agency staff over various job types. Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system: 36 months Estimated total value: £2m Type of procedure: Open procedure The procurement […]
Recruitment Services Tender – Dwr Cymru Cyfyngedig
Title: Recruitment Services (Temporary and Permanent) Short description: Recruitment services including provision of temporary resource, fixed term contract (FTC) and permanent recruitment. The framework agreement will cover the whole of the DCC operating region and will be split into lots based on role type. Main site or place of performance: The DCC operating region covers […]
Temporary & Permanent Recruitment Tender – Birmingham City University
Title: PS003 — Temporary and Permanent Agency Staff Short description: Birmingham City University (the University) has a framework requirement for temporary and permanent agency staff and is conducting this procurement using the restricted procedure. The aim of the framework is to provide a reliable and high standard quality of service delivery in placing agency workers […]
Agency Staff Tender – Fylde Council
Title: Provision of Agency Staff Short description: The Council directly provides a diverse range of services to the community and Temporary Agency Workers represent an important component of the Council’s workforce resource enabling it to flex in-line with peaks and troughs of overall workloads. It is essential that an appropriate level of quality personnel at […]
UK & International Perm Recruitment – HealthTrust Europe HTE
Tender for HealthTrust Europe (HTE’s) National and International Permanent Recruitment & RPO Framework. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT THE TOTAL WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS II TENDER FOR TEMPORARY & CONTRACT STAFF – THIS WILL BE PUBLISHED AT A LATER DATE! Value of contract: £25 million Closing date: 1pm, 23rd December 2019 Contract start date: 20 April 2020 […]
PSL for Strategic Communications & Engagement Recruitment – GMC
PSL for Strategic Communications & Engagement Recruitment for GMC Short description: Two recruitment lots — one for each function — are available. An agency can confirm they meet the requirements of 1 or both lots. They will be expected to demonstrate how they can supply candidates in all the locations specified, recognising the directorate has […]
Recruitment PSL – Ordnance Survey
Tender for Ordnance Survey Recruitment PSL Short description: Ordnance Survey (OS) is the national mapping agency for Great Britain, and a world-leading geospatial data and technology organisation. As a reliable partner to government, business and citizens across Britain and the world, OS helps its customers in virtually all sectors improve quality of life. By being […]
NHS Workforce Alliance Tender (LPP / CPP / CCS) – Clinical & Healthcare Staffing Tender
NHS Procurement in partnership (comprising NHS London Procurement Partnership, East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub, NHS Commercial Solutions and NHS North of England Commercial Procurement) in collaboration with Crown commercial service (CCS), together known as Workforce Alliance, seek to establish a framework agreement for the provision of high quality, temporary, permanent and fixed term […]
Temporary Staffing Services – University of Huddersfield
Title: Temporary Staffing Services Reference number: HUD-HR-005 Short description: University of Huddersfield intends to establish a framework agreement for the supply of Temporary Staffing Services. The contract period for this framework agreement is 3 years, plus the option to extend for a further 12 months, subject to continued demand, satisfactory performance and pricing. The framework […]
Managing Temporary and Permanent Recruitment – YPO
Managing Temporary and Permanent Recruitment – YPO Short description: YPO are looking for providers to be appointed onto a framework agreement for the provision of managing temporary and permanent recruitment. The framework is designed to meet the needs of all public sector organisations which includes YPO’s internal requirements. YPO is purchasing on the behalf of […]
Agency Labour PSL – Yorwaste
Title: Preferred Supplier List (PSL) for Agency Labour Reference number: DN303076 Short description: We are looking to establish a PSL that is built on transparency and whereby the agencies on the PSL work with the Company to ensure we meet out statutory obligations and have a better control over our agency labour spend. Job roles […]
Employment Agency Services – NIE Northern Ireland Electricity Networks
Title: S1089 (2020) Employment Agency Services Short description: NIE Networks wishes to procure the services of employment agency services. The Contracting Entity estimates that the total spend under the Framework Agreements based on current requirements, is anticipated to be between £14m and £16.5m. Main site or place of performance: Northern Ireland. The procurement involves the […]
Recruitment & Consultancy Services Tender – FSCS
Title: Recruitment and Consultancy Services Framework Short description: FSCS is seeking to appoint a number of service providers in relation to the provision of recruitment and consultancy services under a multi-lot Framework Agreement. The requirements have been divided into four (4) lots (the ‘Services’) covered by this procurement exercise as set out below: Lot 1: Master Vendor Provider (1 service provider) […]
Recruitment Services Tender – Thames Water
Title: Thames Water Recruitment Services Tender Reference number: FA1403 Short description: Thames Water is seeking to award a Framework Agreement (FA1403) for the provision of its recruitment services. The agreement is split into 3 areas to cater for the different elements of the services that are to be delivered. The lotting structure for this agreement […]
Recruitment – Harris Federation Tender
Title: Preferred Supplier List for Recruitment Agencies for Harris Federation Short description: Harris Federation is to establish a Preferred Supplier List (PSL) to secure the provision of specialist recruitment services that support the staffing requirements of all existing, and future, academies within the federation. As one of the largest multi academy trusts in the country, […]
Recruitment Services Tender- Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games
Title: Recruitment Services Tender Short description: Birmingham Organising Committee for the 2022 Commonwealth Games Ltd are procuring recruitment services, across core and optional services; core service is staff recruitment, with optional services including temporary workforce management, temporary Labour Hire, Payroll Service, and outplacement services. Estimated total value: £3-£7 million Main site or place of performance: […]
Recruitment Services Tender SDS – The Skills Development Scotland Company
Recruitment services tender for SDS. SDS are tendering for a multi-lot framework of suppliers to provide various recruitment services. Lots are anticipated to be: Lot 1: ICT Specialist Recruitment. This will include but is not limited to permanent recruitment, temporary recruitment, fixed term, day rate contractors and payroll services. Lot 2: General Recruitment. This will […]
PfH Recruitment & Associated Services Tender – Procurement for Housing
PfH recruitment tender – Recruitment and Associated Services Reference number: JB/Recruitment/2019 Description: Procurement of general recruitment services, split into 4 lots. Short description: PfH is seeking experienced organisations to provide recruitment services across 4 lots — recruitment managed service, general recruitment services, recruitment process outsourcing and talent bank technology solutions. The Framework will supply national […]
CCS NMNC Non Clinical – Temporary and Fixed Term Staff
CCS NMNC Tender for provision of any type of non medical and non clinical staff to the NHS! Title: Non Clinical Temporary and Fixed Term Staff. Reference number: RM6160 Short description: Crown Commercial Service as the Authority is putting in place a Pan Government collaborative framework contract for use by UK (and any Crown Dependencies) […]
Temporary & Interim Staff – Recruitment Tender Homes for Haringey
Recruitment tender – Homes for Haringey Title: Framework Agreement for Recruitment Agencies for Temporary and Interim Staff Short description: Homes for Haringey would like to create a Framework Agreement with a range of employment businesses for provision of temporary and interim staff. The framework Agreement will include the following lots: Lot 1: Housing Services Staff […]
Temporary General Operations & Specialist Resources – Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority, Dublin
Title: The Provision of Temporary Agency Staff Reference number: HR/2019/03 & HR/2019/04 Short description: The establishment of 2 multi-party Framework Agreements for the provision of temporary agency staff: Lot 1: General Operations Resources; Lot 2: Specialist Resources. The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement Framework agreement with several operators. Envisaged maximum number of […]
CCS – Flexible Resource Pools — Staff Bank for NHS
CCS tender for staff bank services. PLEASE NOTE – this tender is for provision of workforce management services (staff bank) and NOT for provision of agency workers! Reference number: RM6158 Short description: Crown Commercial Service (the Authority) is seeking to establish a Framework Contract for the provision of flexible resource pool — staff bank services. […]
Temporary Agency Staff – Harborough District Council
Title: HDC 213 Temporary Staff Agency Reference number: HDC 213 Short description: Harborough District Council intends to commission a service for the provision of temporary staff. Harborough District Council occasionally secures the services of staff on a temporary basis across many teams within the organisation: these include administrative, project officer, finance, management, manual and customer […]
Agency Workers Tender – Ards & North Down Borough Council
Title: ANDBC Tender for the Provision of Agency Workers Short description: Tenders are sought by Ards and North Down Borough Council for the Provision of Agency Workers. Duration of contract: 36 months with the option to extend for a further 2 x 12 month periods Type of procedure: Open Procedure Time limit for receipt of […]
Executive Search Tender – Office for Students
Title: Contract for Executive Search Services Short description: Provision of executive search services to the office for students. Estimated total value: £480,000 Main site or place of performance: Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bristol/Bath area. Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system: 36 months with the option to extend for a further 12 months […]
Temp & Perm Recruitment Tender – Nottingham Trent University
Recruitment tender for temporary and permanent roles for Nottingham Trent University Title: 912 Provision of General Recruitment Services for Temporary and Permanent Roles Reference number: NTU/18/912/SPB Short description: Nottingham Trent University is seeking a number of agencies to provide General Recruitment Services for Temporary and Permanent Roles to the University as and when required. The […]
Agency Labour Tender – Cirrus Consortium
Title: Cirrus Consortium Agency Labour and Recruitment Services 2019 Reference number: Cirrus Consortium 0001 Description: Provision of an agency labour and recruitment framework, contract is split into 13 lots. The Cirrus Consortium (The Consortium) is a procurement consortium that currently consists of over 90 members including Registered Providers of Social Housing, Local Authorities, ALMOs and […]
Temporary Staff – Hertsmere Borough Council
Recruitment Tender for Hertsmere Borough Council Title: HBC — Supply of Agency Staff Reference number: HC195 Short description: Hertsmere Borough Council is seeking to set up a series of framework contracts for the supply of agency staff. Type of procedure: Open procedure The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators. Envisaged […]
Resourcing System & Temporary Workers – Exeter University
Recruitment tender for Provision of a Temporary Resourcing System and a Recruitment Agency Service for the Supply of Temporary Workers Short description: In order to support the University’s requirements for temporary workers there is a need to procure a recruitment agency service for the supply of temporary workers as well as a temporary resourcing system […]
Temporary Recruitment (Homeworks) – WM Housing Group
Temporary Recruitment WM Housing Title: 2018 – 653 Temporary Recruitment Services (HomeWorks) Short description: WMHG seek to appoint suitably experienced and qualified agencies to join a Framework Agreement for the provision of Temporary Agency staff. The provision will be in Lots based on the location and the various areas of supporting resources required. In essence […]
Recruitment Tender Durham University – Temporary & Permanent Staff
Recruitment Tender Durham University Title: Temporary and Permanent Staff Short description: Durham University is seeking to appoint one or more suppliers to a Temporary and Permanent Agency Staff recruitment framework over a 4 (four) year agreement. The framework will be split into the following 4 (four) Lots: Lot 1 Admin and Clerical The Admin and […]
Recruitment Services Tender – CRU Ireland
Title: Provision of Recruitment Support Services and Recruitment Services — Contractors The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) is Ireland’s independent energy and water regulator. We have a wide range of economic, customer protection and safety responsibilities in energy and water. The CRU’s mission is to regulate water, energy and energy safety in the public […]
Temporary and Permanent Recruitment Services Tender – SUPC
Recruitment services tender SUPC – for provision of temporary and permanent recruitment services. Estimated total value: £250,000,000 Duration of contract: 48 months. SUPC will award this Framework Agreement on the basis of 3+1 years. Type of procedure: Restricted procedure The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators. Envisaged maximum number of […]
Staff Search and Recruitment Services for Property and Facilities Appointments – City University
Short description: Staff search and recruitment services for property and facilities appointments. Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system: 36 months with 2 possible extensions of 1 year at the end of the third and fourth year. Main site or place of performance: Inner London – East Type of procedure: Open Procedure […]
Agency Staff, Care Staff & Permanent Recruitment – London & Quadrant Housing Association
Short description: London and Quadrant Housing Association wish to invite tenders to bid for award to a preferred supplier list relating to recruitment agencies to supply fixed term and permanent roles across London and nationally. We are a regulated charitable housing association and have the largest and most ambitious residential development programme in the sector, […]
National DPS Framework for Temporary Workers & Interim Contractors – Commercial Services Kent
Title: Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for a National Framework Agreement of Temporary Worker and Interim Contractor Agencies for Preferred Supplier Listing (PSL) Status — Y18020 Short description: This framework is for the supply of Temporary Workers and Interim Contractors across several supply categories as described in the invitation to tender documentation to Relevant Authorities on […]
Recruitment Services Tender – Gentoo Housing
Gentoo Recruitment Services Tender (ref no: COHR004) Short description: Recruitment services for the supply of temporary, permanent and interim commission for trade operatives, administrative and clerical, housing, customer and community and professional and technical services staff. Duration of contract: 60 months Estimated total value: £4,027,000 Type of procedure: open procedure Time limit for receipt of […]
Permanent & Fixed Term Recruitment Framework – Future Cities Catapult
Permanent and fixed term recruitment framework for Future Cities Catapult Title: Recruitment services framework for permanent and fixed term resources Short description: The Future Cities Catapult as the Contracting Authority wishes to establish a Framework Agreement for the provision of recruitment services for Fixed Term and Permanently Employed Workers to be employed at Future Cities […]
Agency Workers (Managed Service) – Hertfordshire County Council
Title: HCC — 06/18 — The Provision of Agency Workers Reference number: HCC1810584 Description of the procurement: The Council currently has a contract with The Guidant Group to provide a Managed Service for the supply of Agency and Interim staff to the Council. The current contract covers the provision of all Agency Workers supplied to […]
Recruitment Agency Services Tender – Office for Students
Recruitment Agency Services Tender – Office for Students Short description: The Office for Students currently manages a wide range of supplier arrangements and is seeking to put in place a more structured arrangement through a number of multi-supplier Framework lots that ensure value for money and quality of provision. These Framework lots should also provide […]
Executive Recruitment Tender – MOD
Executive recruitment tender for provision of executive level permanent and interim staff for the Corporate Services Discipline. Description: DE and S has a requirement to establish a framework of Executive Recruitment Support for the Corporate Services Discipline, who can help us attract and hire the best talent in the market for the top levels of […]
Permanent & Contingent Recruitment Tender Highways England
Recruitment tender Highways England: Highways England aims to establish a framework agreement with a comprehensive range of suppliers in order to support both permanent and contingent recruitment of specialist roles nationally across the organisation. Suppliers shall be appointed in 11 lots to support the Employer with recruitment of both permanent and contingent labour under the […]
Temporary Catering & Hospitality Staff – University of Leeds
Title: Provision of Temporary Catering and Hospitality Staff Short description: The framework will comprise of a maximum of 3 suppliers. Suppliers that are awarded onto the framework will be called off by means of direct award or mini competition. Where more than one supplier has identified that they can fulfill the job role(s), a mini […]
CCS Supply Teachers & Temporary Staff in Educational Establishments
CCS Supply Teachers – The purpose of this Framework Agreement is to provide a new, open and transparent approach to engaging Supply Teachers, Education Support Staff and other temporary staffing including Headteacher, Senior Leadership, admin and clerical staff, IT staff, Finance staff, estates and maintenance, cleaners and Fixed term role (on school payroll), requirements within […]
Permanent Recruitment – Crown Commercial Service (CCS)
CCS Permanent Recruitment Tender The Crown Commercial Service as the contracting authority wishes to establish a pan government Framework Agreement for the provision of Permanent Recruitment Services, intended for access by all UK public sector bodies including Central Government Departments and their Arm’s Length Bodies and Agencies, Non Departmental Public Bodies, NHS bodies, Local Authorities, […]
Agency Nurses & ODPs – NHS National Services Scotland (Common Services Agency)
Title: Temporary Agency Nurses and Operating Department Practitioners Short description: The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as National Services Scotland) (“the Authority”) acting through its division Procurement, Commissioning and Facilities is undertaking this procurement of the supply of Temporary Agency Nurses, Healthcare Assistants and Operating Department Practitioners on behalf of all entities constituted pursuant […]
Agency Labour & Recruitment Framework – Knowsley Housing Trust
Knowsley Housing Trust Recruitment Tender – Title: Agency Labour and Recruitment Framework Short description: Knowsley Housing Trust (KHT) is seeking bids to establish a framework of service providers to provide agency labour & recruitment services. The geographical area covered by the framework will mainly be Knowsley, however, placed staff may be required to work anywhere […]
Temporary & Permanent Staff Further Education – Crescent Purchasing Consortium
Eduction Tender Description: Recruitment services required for temporary and permanent staff in further education. The new Temporary and Permanent Staff framework will be a renewal of our previous framework agreement for the recruitment of temporary and permanent staff in Further Education. The framework will be available to all CPC members which includes schools, academies further […]
International GP Recruitment – Mid & South Essex STP
Description: The provider will successfully recruit 25 GPs from overseas to member practices across the Mid and South Essex STP footprint. The aim would be to recruit 25 GPs in 12 months by recruiting 13 G’s in the first six months and the remaining 12 in the last six months The provider will be responsible […]
Strategic HR Services – ESPO
Title: 3S_18 Strategic HR Services Short description: The principle requirement of this framework is to provide customers with access to a range of suitably qualified and experienced service providers who are able to offer a range of advice, support and a variety of human resources and personnel services, both strategic and transactional. These services will […]
Temporary Agency Workers – University of Northumbria
University of Northumbria Description: To appoint a single supplier to supply the University of Northumbria at Newcastle with temporary agency workers to meet short term or ad hoc requirements for professional support roles (administrative, manual and technical staff) at Grades 1-5. Closing date: 9th March 2018 Contract start date: 1st August 2018 Contract end date: […]
Managed Service for Frontline Staff – Dublin Airport
Title: Provision of managed end to end recruitment solution for frontline hires Tender Description: Daa at Dublin and Cork Airports has a requirement for a third party to provide a managed end to end recruitment solution for frontline hire and support as required on other campaigns. The successful company must be capable of providing a […]
Permanent & Temporary Staff PSL – Stonewater
Title: PSL for the Recruitment of Permanent and Temporary Staff Short description: Stonewater (national social housing provider) is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified companies for inclusion on a Preferred Supplier List (PSL) for the recruitment of permanent and temporary staff. It is planned that the PSL will cover the full range of recruitment […]
Interim Recruitment Services for Specialist Roles – Manchester City Council
TC954 Framework Agreement for Interim Recruitment to Specialist Roles (£35 per hour pay rate and above). Value: £8 million Closing date: 12th March 2018 For all information about this opportunity contact the buyer on the details below: Contact name: Mike Worsley Address Level 3, Town Hall Extension Town Hall Extension Manchester M60 2LA Telephone: […]
Executive Search – Manchester City Council
Title: TC953 Framework Agreement for Permanent and Interim Senior Recruitment (Executive Search) Short description: Manchester City Council is seeking to appoint a limited number of suppliers under a framework agreement to assist with permanent and Interim recruitment (Executive Search). Estimated total value: £500,000 Award criteria: Quality criterion – Name: Quality / Weighting: 50 Quality criterion […]
Children’s Social Workers & Managers – London Borough of Barking & Dagenham
Description: The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Children’s Services is looking for specialist social worker recruitment agencies to provide high quality and committed social work candidates via the Dynamic Purchasing System. The Council has a high number of temporary positions, which it is looking to fill with high quality permanent candidates, who have what […]
Flexible Workforce Solutions – Health and Safety Executive
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: A Flexible Workforce Solutions Framework for the Health and Safety Executive. Please note – no further information has been given relating to the type of staff in this tender notice, so to find out more, you will need to register on the portal and obtain the […]
Supply Teachers / Staff – Lancashire County Council
Title: Provision of supply services to schools Short description: LCC is seeking to appoint a Service Provider to undertake the recruitment and provision of temporary Supply Staff to all maintained schools and academies within Lancashire in order to promote the highest quality of candidates and service delivery. Applicants should note that other LCC agency staff […]
Agency Staff – Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council & Hertsmere Borough Council
Title: WHC — Agency Staff Short description: Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) in collaboration with Hertsmere Borough Council is seeking to set up a series of framework contracts for the supply of agency staff to the Council. The Procurement is being undertaken in a number of Lots: Lot 1 – […]
Executive Search – Nottingham Trent University
Title: 911 Provision of Executive Search and Resourcing Services Short description: Nottingham Trent University is seeking one or more agencies to provide an efficient and cost effective executive search and resourcing service to the University as and when required. The executive search and resourcing service will predominantly cover permanent positions but shall include interim recruitment […]
Agency Personnel – Kerry Education & Training Board
Title: Human Resources Agency Services Short description: Kerry Education and Training Board (Kerry ETB) require the services of a recruitment agency to supply agency personnel to supplement its core staff as and when required. These services will be provided to offices, schools and centres under the remit of Kerry ETB across the County. Estimated total […]
Recruitment Services – Financial Conduct Authority
Title: TEN 16-081 Recruitment Services. Short description: The FCA is seeking a supplier to provide a full recruitment and on-boarding service, to cover both permanent and contingent workers. The FCA requires a high quality, secure, reliable, cost effective and innovative service to source experienced hires (from administrative/clerical through to management level), engage and manage our […]
Temporary Agency Staff Manual Workers – Runnymede Borough Council
Title: RMBC — CK — Temporary Agency Staff — Manual Workers. Description: Runnymede Borough Council is seeking to procure temporary agency staff (manual workers) with effect from 1.4.2018. Staff supplied will be required to undertake frontline service work. RBC employs frontline staff that work throughout its Borough. The vast majority of staff employed under the […]
Recruitment Services – Civil Aviation Authority
Title: Framework agreement for CAA recruitment services. Short description: Framework agreement for CAA recruitment services — The CAA Resourcing Team currently operates a direct sourcing model involving LinkedIn engagement, advertisement, social media and various online sourcing techniques. The purpose of the Framework is to establish a list of preferred supplier (PSL) that would be used […]
Recruitment Services Framework – Wandle Housing Association
Title: Wandle Housing Association Framework Agreement for Recruitment Agency Services 2018-22. Reference number: WAH/001 Short description: Wandle supports people, across south London, who need a home. Founded in 1967 as the Merton Family Housing Trust, it has since grown into an organisation with over 7,000 homes across 9 south London boroughs. Wandle is a provider […]
ITC Staff Framework – Hitachi Europe Ltd
The aim of this procurement is to establish a multi provider framework agreement for the provision of Employment Services to Hitachi Europe Ltd (HEU) as part of their ERDF funded Smart Energy Islands Project. HEU are looking to appoint up to five Employment Agencies/Businesses to two lots for the provision of IT support staff to […]
International Recruitment of GPs – NHS England
NHS England General Practice Forward View (GPFV) committed £2.4 billion of extra funding to General Practice. In terms of workforce, the GPFV aims to deliver an additional 1,000 medical practitioners (doctors) working in General Practice before April 2020. A key part of the GPFV is to recruit a proportion of the additional 5000 general medical […]
International GP Recruitment – NHS South Teees, Hartlepool & Stockton on Tees CCGs
Title: International GP Recruitment Service for NHS South Tees and Hartlepool & Stockton-on-Tees CCGs. Short description: North of England Commissioning Support (NECS) are working for and on behalf of NHS South Tees Clinical Commissioning Group (STCCG) and NHS Hartlepool and Stockton—on–Tees CCG (HAST) who wish to procure the services of a recruitment organisation that has […]
Recruitment Support Service – MOD (DE&S) Level 1-5
Title: DE&S Level 1 to 5 Recruitment Support Service. Short description: DE&S has a requirement for a Recruitment Support Service Contractor who can help The Authority to attract and hire the best talent in the market. The Contractor shall assist in the sourcing, screening, presentation and management of potential candidates. Estimated total value: £2 million […]
Temporary & Permanent Teaching Staff -The Shared Learning Trust
Tender Description: Provide temporary and permanent teaching staff. Title: SLT 1010 day to day, temp to perm and permanent teaching staff. Short description: The Trust intends to award the framework agreement to a maximum of 10 Suppliers on Lot 1 and a maximum of 6 on Lot 2. Each of the successful suppliers will be […]
Recruitment Services – Radian Group (Housing)
Title: Recruitment Services Short description: The purpose of this contract is to provide Recruitment Services for Radian who require a number of reliable recruitment agencies to meet their permanent and temporary recruitment requirements. Radian is seeking professional providers that thrive on high standards and are able to provide a quality, consistent service. Providers should have […]
Agency Recruitment – University of Wolverhampton
Title: Recruitment Agencies. Short description: The University of Wolverhampton wishes to enter into a 3 year contract with an optional 1 year extension with one or more agencies per Lot to provide agency workers to the University. The aim of the contract is to provide a reliable and high standard quality of service delivery in […]
Assesment Centres, Interim Recruitment & Executive Coaching – Renfreshwhire Council
Title: Agreement for HR Services. Reference number: RC/FA/148/17 Description of the procurement: This tender is being issued on behalf of Renfrewshire Council for the provision of services to the Council and those other bodies for whom it acts as servicing or contracting authority. The body who may also make use of the services is Scotland […]
Managed Service for Temporary Recruitment – Sanctuary Housing Group
Title: Temporary Recruitment Services. Short description: Tenders are invited for the supply of services in respect of temporary recruitment to the Sanctuary Group (‘The Group’) and will be open to all organisations that make up The Group currently and during the term of the Contract. The temporary recruitment services addressed in this tender will provide […]
Permanent Recruitment for Children’s Service – Telford & Wrekin Council
Title: GB-Telford: Recruitment of Permanent Staff Description: Recruitment services. To provide a recruitment service to Children’s Services for permanent staff. Main Site or Location of Works, Main Place of Delivery or Main Place of Performance: Telford and Wrekin Estimated Value of Requirement: £50K to £100K Procedure Type: Open Deadline for Expression of Interest: 12pm, 26th […]
Care & Support Agency Staff – Metropolitan Housing
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: The Supply of Care and Support Agency Staff. Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: The contract is split into 3 Lots: Derby & Nottingham, East Anglia and London. The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators. […]
Waste Operation & Grounds Maintenance Staff – Staffordshire County Council
Title: Framework Agreement for the Provision of Temporary Agency Staff for Lichfield District Council. Short description: Staffordshire County Council is procuring this framework agreement on behalf of Lichfield District Council and Tamworth Borough Council. Temporary agency staff are required by Lichfield District Council and Tamworth Borough Council to augment the resources of the joint waste […]
Children’s Agency Social Workers – Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
ITT for the Recruitment and Management of Children’s Agency Social Workers. The Council has produced a Children’s Service Improvement Plan for its Children’s Services division. A key priority of the children’s workforce strategy is to further stabilise the workforce and build sustainable capacity for the future. A critical part of this plan is the development […]
Permanent & Fixed Term Recruitment – Home Group
Home Group requires a contract for recruiting permanent and fixed term colleagues into Home Group that is commercial, provides brilliant candidates and is supported by transparent, accurate and timely costs, management information and invoicing. Via the new contract to be put in place as a result of this tender opportunity, Home Group is anticipating achieving […]
Recruitment & HR Solutions – London Borough of Waltham Forest
London Borough of Waltham Forest Recruitment Tender Title: LGRP — HR Solutions for the Public Sector Framework. Short description: The London Borough of Waltham Forest is working on behalf of the Local Government Recruitment Partnership (LGRP), and is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified organisations for the provision of a Framework Agreement for recruitment […]
Executive Search (up to 4 posts) – University of Salford
Executive Search Tender for University of Salford. Description : As an executive search agency, University of Salford is inviting you to tender for the provision of a search and selection service for the appointment of a Chair of Council, Council members (up to 4 posts) and (up to 4 posts) of Industry Collaboration Zone (ICZ) […]
Recruitment Agency Services Framework – Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Recruitment tender for PHSO (Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman) Title: Agency Recruitment Services Framework. Short description: This procurement opportunity is for inclusion on PHSO’s Recruitment Agency Framework, to provide temporary and permanent personnel from entry to management level and for ad hoc Support roles (e.g. Admin, HR, Facilities, Finance…etc.). Agencies on the Framework will specialise […]
PSL for Permanent & Fixed Term Recruitment – Student Loans Company
Student Loans Company tender for provision of permanent & fixed term recruitment in Glasgow and Darlington. Title: Recruitment Preferred Suppliers List. Short description: A framework to establish a preferred supplier list for fixed term and permanent placements. Estimated total value: £3,500,000 Contract duration: 36 months with up to two 12 month extensions Main site or […]
Supply Teacher Recruitment – Shared Learning Trust (Luton)
Supply teacher recruitment tender for the Shared Learning Trust in Luton Title: SLT 1010 supply teacher — temp, temp to perm and permanent. Short description: All Trust Academies utilise the services of recruitment agencies for day-to-day, long term and permanent staffing and foresee a need to continue doing so for the duration of this contract. […]
Neutral Vendor for Agency Workers – Peabody Trust
Vendor Neutral tender for Peabody Trust – Recruitment Services Title: Neutral Vendor Services for the provision of Temporary Agency Workers. Short description: Peabody wishes to appoint a Neutral Vendor (NV) to provide end to end temporary recruitment services. The NV will provide all temporary agency workers via 3rd party agencies and not provide the workers […]
Temporary Agency Workers – First Choice Homes Oldham
Recruitment tender for FCHO (First Choice Homes Oldham) Title: FCHO Temporary Agency Workers Service. Short description: The Contractor must be able to supply and manage the effective provision of Temporary Agency Workers across FCHO. The Contractor must be able to supply Temporary Agency Workers themselves or through Agencies. The Contractor should fill the vacancy with […]
Permanent & Interim Recruitment – Northern Ireland Water
Northern Ireland Water Recruitment tender opportunity for permanent and fixed term staffing. Title – C882 Agency and Temporary Staff and Permanent Recruitment Tender. The purpose of this Contract is to provide recruitment Services for Northern Ireland Water who require a number of reliable recruitment agencies to meet their permanent and interim recruitment requirements. Tenders may […]
Talent Attraction, Psychometric & Assessment Services – Network Rail
Network Rail tender for Master Vendor to provide a range of recruitment and assessment services. Title: Talent attraction, psychometric and assessment services (TAPAS). Short description: Network Rail is seeking a recruitment solution master vendor to provide all services, tailored to suit each of the four devolved resourcing functions. The master vendor is required to provide […]
Waste Collection, Maintenance & Street Cleaning Agency Workers – Chichester District Council
Tender opportunity Chichester District Council – Waste Collection, Maintenance & Street Cleaning Temporary Workers. Title: Chichester District Council — Chichester Contract Services Temporary Agency Staff Framework 2018 — 2019. Reference number: CDC – 014205 Short Description: Chichester District Council proposes to set up a framework of Employment Agencies for Temporary Staff to maintain staff levels […]
Temporary & Permanent Staff – Plymouth Community Homes
Tender Description: Requirement for temporary and permanent staff. Title: Temporary and Permanent staff recruitment for Plymouth Community Homes Ltd Description: Plymouth Community Homes wishes to contract for the supply of temporary and permanent staff. Throughout PCH’s administration and service delivery functions, these staff play an important role, working in such diverse areas as Finance, IT, […]
Fixed Term & Temporary Care Staff – Crossreach, Edinburgh
Tender opportunity for provision of Fixed Term/ Temporary Agency Care Staff. Estimated total value: £3 million Duration of the framework agreement: 1/07/2017 – 30/06/2020 The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement. Envisaged maximum number of participants to the framework agreement 20. Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 5pm, 31st […]
Temporary LGV Vehicle Technicians – Birmingham City Council
Provision of Temporary Agency HGV/LGV Vehicle Technicians Description : Birmingham City Council requires HGV/LGV Vehicle Technicians on a temporary basis to deliver a high quality comprehensive repair and maintenance service for the city’s diverse fleet of vehicles ranging from a car to a 32 ton compaction vehicle. Each temporary engagement will be initially for a […]
Fixed Term & Permanent ICT Roles – UK SBS & Research Councils
Tender opportunity title: UK SBS PS17019 Recruitment Agency for Fixed Term and Permanent ICT roles across UK SBS and Research Councils. Short description of the tender opportunity: The overall objective is to have a contract with a recruitment agency to assist in providing candidates for difficult fixed term or permanent ISS roles where direct sourcing […]
Temporary Agency Workers (Waste Collections & Recycling) – Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council
Tender opportunity for supply of Temporary Agency Workers to Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council. Short description: Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council’s Operational Services Directorate requires the use of temporary workers for a variety of positions and duration of engagement, to ensure the efficient delivery of front line services, and in particular the areas of: Recycling […]
3 Heads of Service & 1 Director Role – Ashford Borough Council
Ashford Borough Council is seeking support from recruitment consultants to assist with the search and selection processes for three new head of service roles plus a new director role. Consultants will be required to provide a proposal with recommendations on the process including: Advice on recruitment advertising Proposed timetable and process How they will support […]
University of Aberdeen Executive Recruitment Tender
University of Aberdeen executive recruitment tender opportunity Title: Executive Recruitment Search Service Short description: The University of Aberdeen wishes to appoint a framework of suppliers to provide an executive recruitment search service to appoint senior level and strategically important roles as they arise. Description of the procurement: Executive Recruitment Services for senior level and strategically […]
Recruitment Services Framework – Scottish Water
Scottish Water Recruitment Tender Title: Recruitment Services. Short description: The provision of agency recruitment services including temporary, permanent and contracting staff. The initial framework is for 4 years with the option of two further 2 year extensions at Scottish Water’s discretion. Estimated total value excluding VAT: £120 million Time limit for receipt of tenders or […]
Overseas Nurses Recruitment – NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership
Recruitment of Overseas Nurses Tender Description of the procurement: The NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, hosted by Velindre NHS Trust are acting on behalf of Cardiff and Vale University Local Health Board who are seeking to establish a Framework for the Recruitment of Overseas Nurses. The Health Board is one of the largest integrated healthcare […]
Temporary Worker Framework – New Forest District Council
Tender opportunity for New Forest District Council. Temporary Worker Services – Under a multi-supplier framework agreement commencing April 2017 New Forest District Council wishes to establish a range of specialist temporary worker providers to match the range of skills required from time-to-time to support the Council’s operation. The awarded suppliers will be referred to as […]
Temporary Craft (Trades) Agency Workers – West Dumbartonshire Council
Title: Temporary Craft Agency Workers Framework. Tender Description: West Dunbartonshire Council is seeking to appoint suitably qualified and experienced agencies for the provision of temporary craft (trades) PAYE workers. Framework required for the recruitment of temporary craft (trades) workers, contract is for a period of 4 years. Estimated total value excl vat: £1.2 million Contract […]
Framework for Temporary Workers – Sandwell MBC
Sandwell MBC wishes to invite interested parties (‘Tenderers’) to participate in a tender exercise to establish a multi service provider Framework for the Provision of Temporary Agency Workers. The suitably qualified and experienced providers of Temporary Agency Workers will be required to provide the services described in the Tender Specification. The Framework Agreement (“Contract”) will […]
Agency Medical Locums – NHS in Scotland
Provision of Medical Locums to the NHS in Scotland project_7183 – Agency Temporary Medical Locums NP500-16 ITT open to all suppliers Deadline: 12pm, 24th January 2017 Contract value: £400 million To express interest, register on the following portal and search ITTs under Medical Locums https://www.publictendersscotland.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/esop/pts-host/public/pts/web/login.html?_ncp=1482422166782.536-1
Tender for Agency Nurses, Midwives and Operating Department Practitioners – NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership
Short description: Recruitment tender for Agency Nurses, Midwives, Health Visitors, Healthcare Assistants and Operating Department Practitioners to Health Boards and Trusts in Wales Contract duration: 24 months with the option to extend for up to a further 2 years Deadline: 10am, 24th January 2017 Buyer details: Procurement Services, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, 4th […]
Temporary & Permanent Recruitment – Opus LGSS People Solutions for Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire County Councils
Recruitment tender title: Supply of Temporary Resources and option of assistance in Permanent Recruitment. Short description: Opus LGSS People Solutions Ltd will establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the supply of temporary resources. Applications to participate can be submitted at any time throughout the intended 5 year duration of the DPS. Opus LGSS People […]
Recruitment Tender – Temporary Agency Staff – Crawley, Horsham & Mid Sussex Councils
Recruitment Tender Title: Crawley Borough Council, Horsham District Council and Mid Sussex District Council — Provision of Temporary Agency Staff Recruitment Tender Short description: Crawley Borough Council, Horsham District Council and Mid Sussex District Council are establishing a framework agreement for the provision of Temporary Agency Staff across all 3 authorities. The Councils wish to […]
Managed Service – YOO Recruit (Owned by Wolverhampton City Council)
YOO Recruit, a wholly owned recruitment company of Wolverhampton City Council (“the Council”), is seeking a partner to provide recruitment services for its current and future clients. YOO Recruit wishes to contract with a partner who can provide customer focussed services, with a high focus on enabling it’s primary client, the Council, to efficiently procure […]
Master Vendor for Office Staff – Transport Systems Catapult Ltd
Tender Description: Provision of permanent and temporary office staff required. Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Supply of Master Vendor Recruitment Services. Main site: Milton Keynes Type of contract: Framework agreement with a single operator Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the framework agreement £1,250,000 and £2,500,000 Time […]
Temporary Industrial Staff – Rushcliffe Borough Council
Tenders are invited for the supply of services in respect of the hire of Temporary Industrial Agency Staff. The successful supplier will be responsible for providing this service, liaising closely with the Contract Manager Mick Morley, Rushcliffe Borough Council. Submission deadline: 12pm, 3rd November 2016 Contract value: £150,000 Address: Central Works Depot, Abbey Road, West […]
Recruitment Services Framework – Southern Housing Group
Tender Description: Providers are required for a Framework to deliver recruitment services. Deadline: 2pm, 26th October 2016 Tender Value: 4.5 million Contract duration: 48 months Short description: The purpose of this framework agreement is to provide Recruitment Services for SHG who require a number of reliable recruitment agencies to meet their temporary, permanent or interim […]
Temporary Staff Managed Service – Ubico Limited
Title: Supply services of personnel including temporary staff Description: Managed services required for the provision of temporary agency staff. Contract duration: Initial period of 3 years with the option to extend. Tender value: estimated £6 million excluding VAT Register interest by: 31st October 2016 Submit documents by: 4th November 2016 Ubico Ltd Tel: 01285 […]
IS Oracle Skills Recruitment – Home Group
Title: Home Group – IS Oracle Skills Recruitment Framework Description: The objective of this process is to appoint a framework of preferred suppliers to support the recruitment of permanent, fixed term and contracting colleagues with specific Oracle ERP skills and experience into Home Group Limited (Home Group). Estimated value: £300,000.00 Expression of Interest by: 2pm, […]
Agency Nursing & Social Work Staff – South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Official Title: Provision of a Master Vendor for the Supply of Agency Nursing and Social Workers and Tier 1 and 2 Suppliers Tender Description: Supply agency nursing and social workers and Tier 1 and 2 Suppliers. Documents can be requested until 14th October 2016 Buyers Organisation: South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Contact: Tony […]
Master Vendor / Sole Supplier NMNC – South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Title: Provision of a Master Vendor / Sole Supplier for the Supply Non-Medical and Non-Clinical Temporary Agency Staff Description: Provision of a Master Vendor / Sole Supplier for the Supply Non-Medical and Non-Clinical Temporary Agency Staff – Tender Reference T1618 Documents can be requested until 14th October 2016 For more information, visit: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/southwestyorkshire/aspx/ProjectManage/342
Environmental, Horticultural & Parks Staff – Fylde Council
Title: Provision of Agency Staff 2017-18 Categories: 180000 – Environmental Services 240000 – Horticultural 290000 – Arts & Leisure Services Description: Fylde Council, seeks to award a two year agreement to a Labour Agency with a possible one year extension to provide staff to work as garden labourers, boat and waste operatives. Register Interest by: […]
Managed Service for Temporary Frontline Staff – Poole Council
Managed service for the supply of temporary staff for delivery of front line operational services. The contract requirements are for a sole supplier solution with proven knowledge and experience of supplying customers with temporary staff with equivalent skill sets to those required to support Poole Councils Street Scene services: a) General ops / loader / […]
Recruitment Services – Newport City Homes
Newport City Homes (NCH) are looking for suitable recruitment agencies that can assist in the recruitment of temporary, fixed term and permanent staff. Lots include: Lot 1 – Temporary and fixed term Administration – Maximum of 3 agencies per lot to fulfil our recruitment needs for all administrative duties, call handling, planning and customer service […]
Temporary Agency Staff – Fareham Borough Council
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Multi Supplier framework for the Supply of Temporary Agency Staff from 1.10.2016. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): The Council wishes to establish a range of specialist temporary worker providers to match the range of skills required from time-to-time to support the Council’s operation. The […]
NHSCPP – National Clinical Staffing Framework
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: NHSCPP National Clinical Staffing Framework Agreement. Framework agreement with several operators Duration of the framework agreement: 2 years Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the framework agreement: £750m – £2b Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: […]
Executive Search, Selection & Assessment Services – HMRC
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity: HMRC 2016 Executive Search, Selection and Assessment Services Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). Short description of the specific contract: Recruitment services. Placement services of personnel. Assessment centre services for recruitment. Staff development services. Civil Service Resourcing (CS Resourcing) an Executive Agency attached to HM Revenue and Customs […]
IT Contractors Framework – University of Leeds
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Framework Agreement for the Recruitment of Temporary IT Contractors. Information on framework agreement: Framework agreement with several operators. Maximum number of participants to the framework agreement envisaged: 6 Duration of the framework agreement: 4 years Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the […]
Executive Recruitment – Edinburgh City Council
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity: Provision of Executive Leadership Recruitment. Short description of the specific contract: The City of Edinburgh Council is working through a period of significant transformational change which will re-define and re-shape how services are delivered to ensure we are focussed on the priorities for Edinburgh’s residents and […]
Temp & Perm Catering Staff Framework – TUCO Purchasing
Title: recruitment services for temporary and permanent catering staff- framework Description: Provision of recruitment services for temporary and permanent catering staff to full and associate members of Awarding Authority. The majority of the requirement will be for temporary catering staff, with some requirements for permanent and fixed-term catering staff. The Awarding Authority proposes to advertise […]
Temporary Front Line Staff – Poole Council
Title: Supply of Temporary Staff Description: The subject matter is the supply service of specific types of temporary personnel required to assist in the daily delivery of front line services. The specific types of temporary personnel required are LGV drivers, general operatives (including loaders, cleansers, non-LGV drivers) and grounds maintenance workers. Main site or location […]
Temporary waste Collection & Grounds Maintenance Staff – Thanet District Council
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity: Framework Agreement — Supply of Temporary Agency Staff. Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Various sites with the area of Thanet. The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators. Maximum number of participants to the framework […]
Temporary Refuse Staff – Runnymede & Spelthorne Councils
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity: Supply of Temporary front line staff for Runnymede and Spelthorne Direct Services Organisations. Short description of the specific contract: Runnymede and Spelthorne Borough Councils are tendering for the supply of temporary staff, operating all front line services such as refuse, recycling, street cleansing and grounds maintenance. […]
Temporary Visitor Assistants – Tate Gallery
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Tate Gallery – Provision of Temporary Visitor Assistants Short description of the contract or purchase: Supply services of personnel including temporary staff. The Visitor Experience team at Tate works across both of Tate’s London galleries, Tate Britain and Tate Modern. The Visitor Experience team provides a […]
Streetcare (Lighting Erection & Civil Engineering Staff) – South Gloucestershire Council
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Streetcare TopUp Labour Framework Short description of the contract or purchase: Supply services of commercial or industrial workers. Supply of labour for civil engineering work, and street lighting work. This contract is divided into lots: Lot 1: Street Lighting Column Erection Labour and/or Top-up Gangs. From […]
Temporary Recruitment Framework – University of Sheffield
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: 1275/DM — Framework for Recruitment Agency Services for temporary staff. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Since 2011, the University of Sheffield has had in place a framework agreement with a group of suppliers to provide temporary works to support its need for flexibility within […]
Temporary Staff Framework – University of Manchester
The University intends to undertake a full OJEU tender for the provision of temporary staff. It is not anticipated that the tender documentation will be issued until Spring 2014 but suppliers are able to register an interest in this Project via this In-Tend website. To register an interest you will need to register your company […]
Temporary & Permanent Recruitment – Newham College of Further Education
Description: Provision of Temporary and Permanent Recruitment Agency Staff Services The success of the awarding authority brand means that we’re also fortunate enough to be approached directly by many recruitment agencies. Following a review of current service providers we now have an understanding of how they work and what they can offer. Having a list […]
Temporary Agency Staff – Norse Commercial Services Ltd
Norse Commercial Services Limited would like to receive expressions of interest from suppliers who can provide and support an appropriate Temporary Agency Staff Contract for Norse Commercial Services Limited. The anticipated contract length is 3 years with the option to extend for 4 years (2 years + 2 years extension option). Main Site or Location […]
Non Permanent Engineering Recruitment – Transport for London
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity: TfL 91182 Recruitment Services for Engineering Roles. Framework agreement with several operators. Maximum number of participants to the framework agreement envisaged: 12 Duration of the framework agreement in years: 4 Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the framework agreement £400,000,000 and £500,000,000 […]
Permanent IT Recruitment – HS2
The awarding authority has an urgent requirement to recruit permanent IT Technology staff to support key programme milestones. The awarding authority requires a specialist recruitment agency to conduct an extensive search of the market in order to attract the best talent, including passive candidates within a timescale of eight weeks commencing from the 3rd July […]
Temporary Worker Agencies – Connect2Kent
Description: The awarding authority is one of the largest trading organisations of its kind in Europe with a turnover in excess of £600 million and employing over 700 people from its base in Kent. Tracing its roots back to 1902, as an education stores department for Kent County Council, Commercial Services has subsequently grown organically […]
Managed Service Provider (MSP) Temporary Recruitment Services – OFCOM
Description: The authority requires a Managed Service Provider (MSP) for temporary recruitment, with a contract commencement date effective from 19.10.2015. The successful provider will fully manage Ofcom’s temporary resourcing. The overarching key requirement is for the successful provider to provide talent on-site as quickly, efficiently and as cost effective as possible whilst meeting the needs […]
Temporary Staff Multi-Disciplines – Anchor Trust
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Provision of Temporary Agency Staff. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Provision of agency personnel for multi disciplines and support of permanent recruitment. Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 15th May 2015 Suppliers Instructions How to Express Interest in this Tender: […]
Multidisciplinary Temporary Healthcare Personnel – Crown Commercial Service (CCS)
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: RM3711 Multi-Disciplinary Health Temporary Staffing Framework. Short description of nature and quantity or value of supplies or services: Crown Commercial Service, as the Contracting Authority, intends to put in place a Multi-disciplinary framework agreement for the provision of health temporary staff within central government and the […]
Executive Search & Assessment Services – NHS Croydon Clinical Commissioning Group
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity: Q0625 Recruitment Services. Short description of the specific contract: Recruitment services. Executive Search, Selection and Assessment Services. The vacancies are for approximately 15 posts within a range of areas including Commissioning, Service Re-Design, QIPP, PMO, Business Planning and Estates, Primary Care Policy and Development, Primary Care […]
Engineering Recruitment (including Bus & Rail) – Go-Ahead Holding Ltd
This tender is for the provision of Temporary, Permanent, Interim and Fixed Term Recruitment workers to The Go-Ahead Group. The Operating companies in scope are: Go-Ahead Group Train Operating Companies (TOCs); Go-Ahead Group Bus Operating Companies; Head Offices at Newcastle and Westminster, London. Train Operating Companies (TOCs): London Midland; Southeastern; Govia Thameslink Railway (Where Southern […]
Bellevue Place Education Trust – Executive Recruitment
Placement services of personnel. Supply services of personnel including temporary staff. Supply services of office personnel. Bellevue Place Education Trust (BPET) is a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) located across London and the South of England. The Trust has aspirations to operate up to nine schools in the next three years and to be known for a […]
Nursing & Care Services Framework – Healthtrust Europe (HTE)
This tender is to establish a framework agreement for the supply of Nursing & Care Services Flexible Workers (through Employment Business or Employment Agency activity). The scope of this framework agreement includes the supply of flexible (temporary and fixed term) nurses, domiciliary and social care workers of all bands and sub-job families including community service […]
Recruitment of Special Constables – Northamptonshire Police
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Services for the recruitment of special constables. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): This project is designed to radically increase the number of voluntary Special Constables in Northamptonshire Police from the current level of approximately 420 Specials to at least 900 Special Constables by May […]
Agency Labour & Recruitment Framework – Cirrus Consortium
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Cirrus Consortium Agency Labour and Recruitment Framework. The Cirrus Consortium (The Consortium) is a procurement consortium that currently consists of in excess of 50 members including Registered Providers of Social Housing, Local Authorities, ALMOs and NHS Trusts. Members are based across England, Wales and Scotland, with […]
Recruitment Services PSL – The City University
The City University seeks Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified firms for the establishment of a Preferred Supplier List (PSL) for Recruitment Services for the University. It is planned that this PSL will cover the full range of Recruitment activities (including, but not limited to Lots for: Executive search for senior roles; Permanent and Interim […]
Non-Academic Agency Staff – Bolton College
The purpose of this exercise is to put a framework agreement in place with a number of suppliers for the provision of Temporary Non Academic Staff at the location. The requirement has been divided into two Lots as follows: Lot 1 – General non academic staff Lot 2 – Specialist learner support Main site or […]
Temporary Administrative Staff – University of Lincoln
The University of Lincoln is seeking tenders for the provision of Temporary Administrative Staff. Date documents can be requested until: 9th January 2015 Click HERE for further information on the above contract Awarding Authority: University of Lincoln. Web: www.lincoln.ac.uk (Roger Holloway). Reference attributed by awarding authority: 549 Temporary Administrative Staff
MSTAR – Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO)
MANAGED SERVICES FOR TEMPORARY AGENCY RESOURCES – FRAMEWORK The awarding authority is seeking to establish a framework agreement with a number of suppliers for the provision of Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources (MSTAR), on a managed service basis. Managed services will include neutral vendor solutions and master vendor solutions. All types of temporary agency […]
Recruitment Services – Sellafield Ltd
Provision of Agency Supplied Workers Awarding Authority: Sellafield Ltd, Seascale, Cumbria CA20 1PG. Tel: 019467 81183. (Alison Kent). Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Not Provided. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided. Deadline: 12pm, 23rd January 2015 Click HERE for further information/documentation
Perm, Fixed Term & Temporary Staff – Skills Development Scotland
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Temporary, contractor and permanent staff recruitment services. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): The framework is to appoint a number of suppliers capable of supplying suitably qualified and experienced Permanent, Fixed Term and Temporary staff covering for a wide range of roles. The supplier(s) must […]
Agency Staff – Hertsmere Borough Council
Hertsmere Borough is seeking to set up a series of framework contracts for the supply of agency staff to the Council. The notice involves the setting up of a framework agreement with several operators Maximum number of participants to the framework agreement envisaged: 5 Duration of the framework agreement: 3 years + 1 year extension […]
Temporary & Fixed Term Staff – CCS Non Medical Non Clinical
Pan Government Collaborative Framework Agreement for supply of Non Medical Non Clinical (NMNC) temporary and fixed term staff for use by UK public sector bodies which include NHS bodies, Central Government Departments and their Arm’s Length Bodies, Agencies, Non Departmental Public Bodies and Local Authorities. The above Public Sector Bodies have a need for temporary […]
Executive Search – Ministry of Justice
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity: HMRC Dynamic purchasing system — executive search and selection. Short description of the specific contract: The provision of an end to end recruitment service for the Ministry of Justice Commercial and Contract Management Directorate. Approx requirement of 50 commercial specialist posts to be filled consisting of […]
Executive Search – De Montfort University
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Invitation to tender for provision of executive search and recruitment (head-hunting) services. Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: De Montfort University Campus, Leicester. Contract duration: The Framework Agreements will be awarded for a period of four 4 years, subject to […]
Temporary IT Staff – Leeds City Council
Description: Framework for the supply of ICT temporary staff. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided Contract duration: 24 months Expression of interest end date: 12pm, 26th November 2014 Awarding Authority: Leeds City Council, St George House, 2nd Floor, 40 Great George Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS1 3DL. Tel: 0113 395 2451. Email: philippa.elliott@leeds.gov.uk (Miss Philippa […]
Executive Search Services – Care Quality Commission
Title Attributed To The Contract By The Contracting Authority/Entity: Executive Search Services Time limit for submission of indicative tenders for the specific contract: 5pm, 25th November 2014 Contract value: £60,000 – £135,000 Quantity or Scope of the Specific Contract: The following list gives an indication of the vacancies that could potentially be offered to the […]
Permanent Recruitment – The Pensions Regulator
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Permanent Recruitment Services. Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Brighton and Hove. The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators (maximum number of participants to the framework agreement envisaged: 16) Contract duration: 3 years with the […]
Agency Workers – Stevenage Borough Council
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Framework for the Provision of Agency Workers Short description: Supply services of personnel including temporary staff. Stevenage Borough Council is looking to appoint a maximum of three suppliers to 12 different lots forming a framework to provide agency workers for the Council. The contract will run […]
Permanent Healthcare Workers & Exec Recruitment – HTE on behalf of University Hospitals of Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust
Title attributed to the contract: Framework Agreement for the Provision of National & International Permanent Recruitment of Healthcare Workers with Executive Recruitment 2015. Short description: HTE is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement for the provision of national & international permanent recruitment of healthcare workers with associated services for permanent, interim and fixed term executive […]
Recruitment Services – University of Cambridge
The awarding authority Information Services has four roles to be filled: Chief Architect Deputy Director Strategic Relationships – Education, Administration and Student Services Deputy Director Strategic Relationships – Research and Institutional Services Deputy Director of Service Operations The objective of this tender is to award a contract to an agency for the provision of recruitment […]
Temporary Recruitment – Shepherds Bush Housing Group
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Procurement of Recruitment Services. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): We would like to establish a term contract with service providers/Agencies to undertake the recruitment of temporary staff for General Admin, Specialist Housing/Technical roles and Direct Labour/Operatives. This contract is divided into 3 lots and […]
Temporary Staffing – Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Temporary agency staffing services. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): This project is for the provision of temporary agency staff. There will be separate lots for Admin and Clerical, Ancillary, Procurement and Finance, HR, Marketing and Communications, Technical, Master Vendor, Neutral Vendor and Talent Bank […]
Skilled & Unskilled Labour – Nexus
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting entity: NEX13/75 Skilled and Unskilled Labour. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Nexus undertakes small and temporary works to the Nexus infrastructure. In order to undertake these works we require quick and easy access to a wide selection of skilled and unskilled labour. The purpose of […]
IT Recruitment Framework – Northumbria University
Contract for the Provision of an IT Recruitment Framework. The University is looking to secure a number of framework partners to provide temporary staff for IT Services. As this is a framework agreement the value is estimated and there is no guarantee of spend throughout the agreement. Please note that this is a Voluntary Contract […]
Construction Personnel Framework – First Wessex Homes
Framework for the recruitment of temporary and permanent construction professionals and operatives. Estimated contract start date: 01/12/2014 Estimated contract end date: 31/12/2015 Expression of interest end date: 31/10/2014 23:59 Click HERE to login and register interest in this opportunity. Contact Details: Ms Nazma Begum Nazma.Begum@firstwessex.org Telephone: 023 9289 6866 First Wessex Peninsula House, Wharf Road […]
Business Services & Recruitment Framework – Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Business Services Framework consisting of the following Lots and Sub-Lots. Lot 1 — Finance; Lot 2a — Specialist Legal Support; Lot 2b — General Legal Support; Lot 3a — Recruitment; Lot 3b — Occupational Health and Wellbeing; Lot 3c — Learning and Development; Lot 3d — Rewards and […]
Professional Services Framework – Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust
Short description of the contract or purchase(s): This requirement is to set up a framework agreement for the provision of professional services to the Trust. This is a Preferred Supplier List of suppliers that would be responsible for sourcing and delivering permanent and interim contract recruitment services to the Trust. Main site or location of […]
Executive Search – HMRC
HMRC Dynamic Purchasing System — Executive Search and Selection 2014. There are over 3 500 senior roles within the Civil Service, and departments will be looking to fill a number of vacancies, across a range of business areas and professions during the first quarter of 2014/15. For positions that cannot be filled through internally managed […]
Waste Management Agency Staff – Blaby District Council
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Depot Specialist Agency Staff. The supplier will provide specialist temporary staff for Neighbourhood Services across one or more of the following three lots (please note that you will not be required to indicate which Lot(s) you are bidding for until the Tender stage of this procurement): […]
Executive Search (Recruitment of MD) – Newcastle City Council
Description: We are seeking an executive search provider to support the appointment of a Managing Director post within the North East Combined Authority. We seek to make an appointment to the post by end December 2014. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided Expression of interest end date: 4pm, 2nd September 2014 Estimated contract start […]
Interim Staff – European Banking Authority
The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators The purpose of the framework contracts is to provide a fast and flexible way to satisfy interim staffing needs at the EBA and EIOPA. The EBA and EIOPA may require interim staff for a number of reasons, for example: (a) to substitute […]
Temporary & Permanent Agency Staff – University of Durham
The University seeks to engage with partner(s) to provide the provision of temporary agency staff and permanent staff recruitment. This is a lotted contract with provision required in the following areas: Administrative and Clerical Staff; Finance Staff; Human Resources Staff; IT Staff; Procurement Staff; Catering and Domestic Staff. Tenders may be submitted for one or […]
Supply Teachers, Tutors & School Support Consultants – London Borough of Bromley
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Supply Teachers, Tutors and School Support Consultants. The London Borough of Bromley is inviting suitably qualified Supply Teachers, Tutors, Teaching Assistants and School Support Consultants for the Behaviour Service, Looked after Children and Young People and for Specialist support […]
Temporary & Permanent (Non-Care) Recruitment – East Thames Group
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Provision of Agency and Temporary Staff and Permanent Recruitment (Non-Care) PSL. Short description: Agency staff and personnel recruitment agencies required to form a preferred supplier list of between 15 and 25 agencies over 5 lots. Tenders may be submitted for one or more lots Lot No: […]
Temporary Recruitment Framework – WM Housing Groups
Description: The awarding authority is out to tender for the provision of temporary recruitment services to achieve a framework agreement to provide services across the Group, and to ensure that the Group receives Value for Money for those services. The Group is of the view that it is best served by having a framework agreement […]
Executive Search Services – Care Quality Commission
Recruitment services. Placement services of personnel. Staff development services. Career guidance services. Recruitment services. Placement services of personnel. Staff development services. Career guidance services. The following list gives an indication of the vacancies that could potentially be offered to the external suppliers until October 2014. Additional requirements may arise within this timeframe, however CQC reserve […]
Temporary Workers (Multiple Sectors) – West Midlands Fire Service
Title: HR TEMPORARY AGENCY APPROVED LIST West Midlands Fire Service is looking for a group of suppliers to provide temporary support staff as and when required. Suppliers wishing to be accepted onto an approved list must complete the attached application. The Approved Supplier list will categorise each type of employment type and Service Providers are […]
Finance Specialists Recruitment – Ministry of Justice
Title: Recruitment for Band B and C Finance Specialists Description: The awarding authority has a requirement to recruit up to 25 professionals in the finance sector. When commissioned to undertake a whole recruitment campaign the Service Provider will be required to: Provide a well managed large-scale recruitment campaign; Provide strong and proactive project management and […]
Permanent & Agency Staff (Non Care) PSL – East Thames Group
East Thames Group is tendering for a preferred supplier list of 9 to 15 agencies for both permanent recruitment and temporary staff requirements. Main Location: Stratford East London E15 4PH Total quantity or scope: All agency and interim staff and permanent recruitment for East Thames Group (non care) for a 3 (three) year period from […]
Winter Maintenance Operatives – East Riding of Yorkshire Council
East Riding of Yorkshire Council is inviting tenders from suitably qualified companies for the provision of Winter Maintenance Operatives (Agency Staff). The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement with a single operator Duration of the framework agreement: 4 years Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the framework agreement: £1,000,000 […]
Refuse & Recycling Temporary Staff – Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council
Description: The awarding authority is going to run a tender exercise for an annual yearly contract the provision temporary staff. The Partnerships and Operations Group at the authority is responsible for the delivery of refuse and recycling. In order to maintain service provision when permanent staff are absent (e.g. leave, sickness)or during times of peak […]
Temporary & Permanent Workers – Capenhurst Nuclear Services
Not much detail on this one I’m afraid! Description: Provision of a Recruitment Service for Temporary and Permanent Workers. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Not Provided. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided. Response deadline: 12pm, 21st July 2014 Capenhurst Nuclear Services Ltd, Capenhurst Lane, […]
Temporary Staffing for the Mayor’s Newham Show – London Borough of Newham Council
Description: Tender Specification for the supply and supervision of temporary staffing for the Mayor’s Newham Show in 2014. Suitable firms are invited to provide a written quotation for the supply and supervision of temporary staffing for the Mayor’s Newham Show in 2014. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided. Anticipated Contract Start Date: Monday 23rd June […]
Social Care – Torbay Council
The purpose of this Tender process is to identify successful Providers who will be selected for a place on the Standing List of Approved Social Worker Agency Providers. There is no limit to the number of Providers that will be selected to join the List. Each successful Provider will be ranked according to their Tender […]
Agency Workers Framework – Conwy County Borough Council
The awarding authority wishes to establish a Framework Agreement for the provision of temporary workers in a wide range of functional areas across the Authority. The Framework Agreement supply will be for: Lot 1: Administration. Lot 2: Manual and Frontline Support. Lot 3: Professional and Specialist (divided in to Sub-Lots): Lot 3.A: Social Work and […]
Executive Search & Selection Q1 – HMRC
This notice provides more information than one that was published on 25th February for the same requirements. Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity: HMRC Dynamic Purchasing System – Executive Search and Selection 2014 Q1. Short description of the specific contract: There are over 3 500 senior roles within the Civil Service, and […]
Agency Care Staff – Grwp Gwalia Cyf
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Provision of Agency Staff. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Grwp Gwalia Cyf is a leading provider of social housing, support and care in South and Mid Wales managing high quality, affordable housing and meeting the needs of a broad and diverse range of people […]
Executive Search (2 Appointments) – Radioactive Waste Management Ltd
Radioactive Waste Management Limited wishes to appoint an Executive Search contractor to recruit 2 Director level appointments. RWM shall use the HMRC Dynamic Purchasing System to engage this provider. Time limit for submission of indicative tenders for the specific contract: 12pm, 2nd June 2014 Name, addresses and contact point(s): Radioactive Waste Management Limited, Building […]
Temporary & Permanent Academic Staff – Gloucestershire College
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Tender for the Supply of Temporary and Permanent Academic Staff. Short description of the contract: Gloucestershire College is seeking expressions of interest from agencies who can assist the College HR department in providing temporary and permanent staff for the college academic areas when and where necessary. […]
Vendor Neutral Managed Service – Wirral University Teaching Hospital
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Vendor Neutral Managed Service for Temporary Agency Staffing, Supply Services and Health Services. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is now commissioning a Vendor Neutral Managed Service for the supply of medical locum personnel placement and supply services […]
Domiciliary Care Staff – NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Domiciliary Care for Patients Eligible for Continuing Healthcare. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): NHS Sheffield CCG is looking to commission a service that will provide domiciliary care for service users in their own homes. In many cases the service users will be in the […]
Industrial Temporary Staff – Rushcliffe Borough Council
Hire of Temporary Industrial Agency Staff for Rushcliffe Borough Council, Broxtowe Borough Council and Gedling Borough Council. Applicants are invited to request a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for the hire of Temporary Industrial Staff. The completed PQQ forms will be evaluated and up to six candidates will be invited to submit invitations to tender. PQQs should […]
Temporary Staff – Go Ahead Group
Provision of Agency Staff for London & South Eastern Railway during the Thameslink Programme. Estimated value excluding VAT: £2,600,000 Duration of the contract: 60 months from the award of the contract Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 15th May 2014 Name, addresses and contact point(s): Go Ahead Group Holding, 4 […]
Supply Teacher Recruitment – Hertfordshire County Council
Supply services of personnel including temporary staff. To provide a Hertfordshire Supply Teacher Recruitment, Booking and Employment Monitoring Service. To supply teachers suitably qualified with the right skills on short notice to schools across Hertfordshire. Main Site or Location of Works, Main Place of Delivery or Main Place of Performance: Hertfordshire, Estimated Value of Requirement: […]
Recruitment Consultancy (up to 10 Senior Roles) – Stoke on Trent City Council
Recruitment & human resources management consultancy services. Stoke on Trent City Council is seeking to a company to provide recruitment and selection consultancy advice for up to ten senior roles. Further details are contained within the Specification. Main Site or Location of Delivery: Stoke-on-Trent Period of Work: 2nd June 2014 – 1st September 2014 Estimated […]
Executive Recruitment- Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Very little information available on this one except that it is to cover Executive Recruitment Services! Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Not Provided. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided. Response deadline: 12pm, 9th May 2014 Awarding Authority: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, 200 Lichfield Lane, […]
Temporary Labour – City Building (Glasgow) LLP
City Building (Glasgow) LLP is a wholly owned subsidiary of Glasgow City Council providing a diverse range of construction and trade operations across the public and quasi public sectors. Tender for provision of Temporary Labour and Associated Services for a period of two years with options to extend up to a further 24 months at […]
Supply Teachers – Hampshire County Council
Hampshire County Council invites applications from suitably experienced organisations who wish to be considered for selection to tender for the provision of Supply Teachers, and other non-teaching staff to schools, academies and other educational establishments. It is currently anticipated that the Panel of Preferred Provider contracts will be for a period of 24 months, with […]
Temporary Staff – University of Huddersfield
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Supply of temporary staff. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): The University of Huddersfield would like to invite tenders for the supply of temporary staff. Further details can be found in the PQQ/ITT documents. Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required: Bidders will be required to […]
Social & Care Agency Workers – Scotland Excel
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Social and Care Agency Workers This framework will be for the supply of agency workers for temporary work agencies to work temporarily for and under the supervision and direction of the hirer. It is envisaged that this framework will cover the supply of fully vetted and […]
Executive Search & Selection – HMRC
Short description: Recruitment services. Placement services of personnel. Staff development services. Career guidance services. There are over 3 500 senior roles within the Civil Service, and departments will be looking to fill a number of vacancies, across a range of business areas and professions during the first quarter of 2014/15. For positions that cannot be […]
Executive Search – University of Bradford
Description: Recruitment services. Invitation to tender for the provision of Executive Search for up to 6 Council Appointments at the University of Bradford including the Chair of the Council. Main Site or Location of Works, Main Place of Delivery or Main Place of Performance: Bradford Estimated value: £100,000 – £500,000 Deadline for Expression of Interest: […]
Specialist Temporary Staff – East Midlands Police Forces (EMSCU)
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Provision of Temporary Staff [Specialist Posts] Framework. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): EMSCU police forces wish to appoint a number of suppliers to a framework for the provision of temporary staff appointments to meet senior and specialist roles above a salary of £30,939 including […]
Recruitment Services (Executive) – DWP
The awarding authority is seeking to appoint a recruitment agency to undertake an external recruitment competition to support the appointment of the following permanent appointment: Deputy Director, Organisation Design PB1 & DWP Director, HR Strategy and Organisation Development. Location where the contract is to be carried out: Inner London Estimated length of contract: 28/04/2014 – […]
Domiciliary Care – Pembrokeshire County Council
The awarding authority is inviting Invitations to Tender from Registered Domiciliary Care Providers for inclusion on a Framework for the delivery of Domiciliary Care Services to the awarding authority. Single stage process – any candidate may submit a tender. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided. Time-limit for receipt of completed tenders: 3pm, 9th June 2014 […]
Managed Service Provider for Agency Staff – Walsall Council
Managed Service Provider for Agency / Temporary Staff but excluding the provision of interim senior managers. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Not Provided. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided. Date documents can be requested until: 3rd June 2014 Name, addresses and contact point(s): Attn: Mr […]
Children’s Domiciliary Care – London Borough of Ealing
The London Borough of Ealing and Ealing Clinical Commissioning Group invite expressions of interests from suitably experienced service providers for the delivery of its Children’s Domiciliary Care Service. Applicants wishing to apply must have a minimum of one year compliant registration with the Care Quality Commission and or appropriate quality standards with appropriate regulatory board […]
Domiciliary Care – Plymouth City Council
The awarding authority is seeking to commission high quality personal care and support services for people, within the city of Plymouth, who are assessed as being in need of a service whether they live in their own home or in supported accommodation. These Domiciliary care services will be person centred and focussed on delivering positive […]
Supply of English Teachers – British Council
The supply of English Teachers and associated positions (senior teachers, teacher trainers, virtual teachers plus associated positions) on a global basis across our global business. The tender is to include coverage for Projects and Programme delivery, Business as Usual, Niche Skills and Technology Based Solutions. The tender will include Regional Lots. The outcome will be […]
Executive Recruitment – Lancaster University
Lancaster University is seeking to put in place a single supplier framework agreement with an Executive Recruitment Agency to work with the Management School and other areas of the University to assist in the recruitment of chairs and other senior academic appointments. The initial appointment shall be for a period of 3 years, subject to […]
Homecare Services – Bridgend County Borough Council
The awarding authority would like to invite organisations to submit tenders for the delivery of domiciliary care services in the county borough. This procurement exercise forms part of the Council’s transformation agenda within Adult Social Care and involves the remodelling of internal homecare services. This is an exciting opportunity to work in partnership with the […]
Managed Services for Temporary Staff – Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO)
ESPO is seeking to establish a framework agreement with a number of suppliers for the provision of Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources (MSTAR), on a managed service basis. Managed services will include neutral vendor solutions and master vendor solutions. All types of temporary agency workers will be included e.g. from grounds maintenance and administrative […]
Temporary Staffing – West Lindsey District Council
Description: Approved list of Temporary Staffing Agencies for the awarding authority. West Lindsay District Council is looking to set up an approved list of temporary staffing agencies, to provide a range of staff and fulfil its temporary staffing needs. Estimated Value – £150,000 Contract Duration – Up to 3 years Document available until: 21st March […]
Executive Search & Assessment Services – HMRC
Civil Service Resourcing (CS Resourcing) an Executive Agency attached to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) intend to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of Executive Search, Selection and Executive Assessment Services including: Recruitment services. Placement services of personnel. Assessment centre services for recruitment. Staff development services. Career guidance services. This ‘Open’ procurement […]
Temporary & Permanent Recruitment – Anglian Water
Anglian Water is inviting organisations to express interest in submitting proposals to cover the scope of services including Permanent, Temporary and Agency labour recruitment. The lotting arrangements will be broken down and communicated to Bidders throughout the selection process. It is envisaged that selected organisations will be approved to provide the scope of services to […]
Master Vendor for Professional, Technical, Administrative & Social Care/Childcare Workers – London Borough of Hillingdon
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Temporary Resource via a Master Vendor Solution for the Provision of Professional, Technical and Administrative Workers including Qualified Social Workers, plus Social Care/Childcare and Early Years Workers. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Recruitment services. The contract will be for the provision of Temporary Resource […]
Specialist Engineers & Scientists – Health & Safety Executive
Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Sourcing of Specialist Engineers and Scientists. Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: United Kingdom. This contract is divided into lots and tenders may be submitted for one or more lots: Lot No: 1 – Lot title: HSE High Hazard Industries – Offshore […]
Communication Support Workers – South & City College Birmingham
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: SCCB/AC/7/13 Supply of Communication Support Workers. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Education and training services. South & City College Birmingham is a large further education college with several campuses. We are looking for a company to supply Communication Support Workers and Note Takers to […]
Catering Service Agency Staff – House of Commons
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: FWK1074 – Catering Service Agency Staff Framework. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): The Corporate Officer of the House of Commons (the Authority), require a contractor(s) to provide Agency Staff for the House of Commons Catering Services Department (CS). The framework will be split into […]
Temporary, Fixed Term & Permanent Staff – Corporation of Trinity House
Supply services of personnel including temporary staff. Provision of agency workers for use aboard Trinity House vessels, plus facilitation of permanent and fixed term employees. This procurement is divided into lots as follows: Lot No 1 – Agency Crew for Trinity House Vessels Provision of agency workers for use aboard Trinity House vessels Lot No […]
Temporary Staff (Refuse & Green Space) – Erewash Borough Council
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Supply of Agency/Temporary Staff. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Supply of Agency/Temporary Staff throughout Borough of Erewash, principally for its Operational Services area (Green Space, Street Scene, Refuse and Recycling) however there may be other requirements for office, catering and cleaning staff on an […]
Refuse Collection, Street Cleansing & Grounds Maintenance Staff – Perth & Kinross Council
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Tender for Supply of Agency Staff. Short description of the contract: To supply agency staff to work in conjunction with Council staff performing refuse collection, waste disposal, street sweeping and grounds maintenance activities for an initial contract period of 3 years with a possible extension of […]
Recruitment Services – Leeds City College Financial Resources Directorate
The awarding authority is seeking to appoint a recruitment agency to support the recruitment of a number of key staff to posts in the Financial Resources Directorate during the early part of this year. Estimated Contract Value: Not Provided Documents Can Be Requested Until: 14th January 2014 Click HERE for further information or instruction on […]
Domiciliary Care – Worcestershire County Council
The awarding authority invites suitably qualified organisations to apply to be placed on the Council’s List of Approved Contractors of Domiciliary Care, including Housing with Support in Worcestershire. Being placed on the List of Approved Providers will: Give organisations the opportunity to apply for packages of domiciliary care for older people, people with physical disabilities, […]
International Healthcare Recruitment – University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Recruitment services. Advertising and marketing services. Marketing services. Supply services of nursing personnel. Health and social work services. Health services. Services provided by medical personnel. Supply services of medical personnel. Services provided by nurses. University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust is procuring a service provider to provide International […]
Domiciliary Care – Derby City Council
First re-opening of the existing Domiciliary Care Dynamic Purchasing System, where new providers are invited to join the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of domiciliary care support and enablement for adults with a learning disability, mental health needs, or profound and multiple disabilities. The successful suppliers will be responsible for providing this service, […]
Executive Search – Manchester City Council
Title: Executive Search Partnership for Agency Client Group Specialist Recruitment Framework Description: Manchester City Council is looking to appoint a number of suppliers under a framework agreement to assist with permanent recruitment to the wider leadership and specialist/senior roles across the Authority where the salary is in excess of £70k per annum. Expression of Interest […]
Temporary Lecturing Staff – North East Scotland College
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Provision of temporary lecturing services. Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: North East Scotland. Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Three year contract to provide temporary lecturing staff for North East Scotland College Estimated value excluding VAT: between 6 […]
Domiciliary Care – Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council
As advertised in the previous procurement opportunity for the provision of Domiciliary Care (OJEU reference 2012/S 236-388941), it was confirmed that the accredited provider lists for General and Learning Disability Domiciliary Care would be re-opened on a six monthly basis to allow for organisations to apply to join should they so wish. This opportunity allows […]
Managed Service Provider for Temporary Staff – Milton Keynes Council
Milton Keynes Council has the requirement for a Managed Service Provider for Temporary Staff for short term agency worker support, whilst the Council continues to develop and utilise its own flexible workforce. Professional services/interims/consultants may also be procured via this arrangement. Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Milton Keynes. […]
Executive Recruitment – Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Non-Executive and Executive Director Search and Selection Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has a requirement for a specialist search and selection organisation that can assist the Trust in sourcing Non- Executive Directors and Executive Directors on an ad-hoc basis. […]
Executive Recruitment – London Borough of Tower Hamlets
London Borough of Tower Hamlets is inviting bids from suitably experienced businesses able to support the HR & Workforce Development department in the provision of Executive Recruitment services across the council. The aim of this procurement exercise is to establish a framework of approximately 3 – 5 providers for use by the council’s senior officers […]
Temporary Agency Staff – Craven District Council
Provision of Temporary Agency Staff for Waste Management Services. The Council wishes to award a two year agreement to a suitable recruitment agency who will be able to supply suitably trained LGV drivers and cleansing operatives to meet the Council’s temporary staff requirements in delivering the waste management service. It is envisaged that there will […]
Temporary Maintenance Staff – Scottish Prison Service
Framework for the supply of suitably qualified and experienced staff, covering a range of skills required in the delivery of estate maintenance services to the SPS across Scotland. Delivery Location/Area: 100- All Scotland, 120- Highlands and Islands, 130- Aberdeen & North-East, 140- Tayside, Central & Fife, 150- Glasgow & Strathclyde, 160- Edinburgh & Lothians, 170- […]
Nursing Recruitment Solution – East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
The Trust is looking to achieve a stable work force on each of its main hospital sites, who have some knowledge of the Trust and the wider health care economy before we enter the winter season. The Trust is aware of its increasing pressures during the winter months and expects to open up 30 – […]
Recruitment Services – Hyde Housing Association
Hyde are seeking a recruitment services provider to deliver a fully outsourced recruitment services solution for all permanent, temporary and fixed term vacancies. Hyde has on average 300 vacancies per year comprising of various job roles from customer services assistants to specialist property services roles and senior management roles. The provider will use its expertise […]
Nursing Staff Framework – Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (as host of the NHS London Procurement Partnership) framework with several operators for the Supply of Nursing Staff (temporary, fixed term and permanent). The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (as host of East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement […]
Care Staff – Grwp Gwalia Cyf (Swansea)
The awarding authority intends to establish a Contract with suitably qualified and experienced Contractor(s) for the provision of Agency Care Staff as and when required. It is envisaged that the Contract will assist in the care of individuals, enhancing their wellbeing and quality of life by supporting them to be more independent. The contract will […]
Perm IT Recruitment – Health & Social Care Information Centre
The HSCIC is looking for a qualified service provider in Leeds and Exeter areas to supply qualified IT Specialists for permanent vacancies within the organisation. This will run in conjunction with their mandatory HR process and routes to market. Estimated Value: £50k – £100k Period of Work: 7th October 2013 – 6th October 2014 Deadline […]
Social & Care Agency Workers – Scotland Excel
This framework will be for the supply of agency workers from temporary work agencies to work temporarily for and under the supervision and direction of a hirer. It is envisaged that this framework will cover the supply of fully vetted and qualified social workers, as well as home and residential carers on temporary assignments or […]
Recruitment Services – Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board
The awarding authority intends to procure a contract for Agency Recruitment services for its head office in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, but also other locations around the country. This Procurement is for a framework of suppliers to provide both permanent and temporary staff across all sectors of AHDB inclusive of their commercial subsidiary MLCSL. This framework is […]
Senior HR Appointments – University of Bradford
University of Bradford is seeking a Recruitment Agency for Senior Human Resources appointments. They are looking to recruit as a high priority a number of new senior positions: 3 x Senior Business Partners Employer Relations Manager Head of HR Operations Recruitment Team Leader Main Site or Location of Works: Bradford The contracting authority considers that […]
Personnel Including Temporary Staff – London Universities Purchasing Consortium
London Universities Purchasing Consortium (LUPC) is a not-for-profit company owned by its Members, for its Members. Its primary purpose is to maximise value from the collaborative procurement of goods and services for over 60 Members, made up of universities and colleges, as well as government agencies, research organisations and museums and other cultural establishments. A […]
Permanent IT Recruitment (Band 6 & Above) – NHS Wales Procurement Services
Services of Agency for Recruitment of Permanent IT Staff. Contract to retain the services of an agency to recruit permanent IT staff (Band 6 and above) for NHS Wales Informatics Services. Contract Value: Not Provided Contract Duration: 12 months with an option to extend for a further 12 months. Deadline: 12pm, 5th September 2013 […]
Agency Staff & Locums – Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
The Trust is reviewing its process for recruiting flexible staff via agencies. Recruitment agencies are currently used after the prior options of sessional workers and bank staff has been exhausted. Agencies need to be able to provide quality, experienced staff, often at short notice, at competitive rates for all shift types. Flexible staff required varies […]
Recruitment Services – GPS on behalf of the Cabinet Office
The Awarding Authority’s Recruitment Team is looking for a) recruitment advertising and marketing service mainly for below Senior Civil Service level; b) administrative support and c) the operation of a long list and sift process to support future external recruitment below Senior Civil Servant level on behalf of the Cabinet Office. Main site or location […]
Recruitment Services (Care & Support) – Procurement for Housing
The purpose of this framework agreement is to provide Recruitment Services for members of PfH who require permanent or temporary Care and Support staff. Procurement for Housing is working in conjunction with a number of their members in developing this framework agreement to meet their immediate requirements for the provision of Care and Support staff. […]
Recruitment of Nurses, Midwives & Operating Department Practitioners – Basildon & Thurrock University Hospitals Trust
The Trust will be setting up a framework of recruitment agencies for the provision of high quality professional recruitment services within the UK, EU and non-EC countries with view to support the recruitment of high quality trained staff – nurses, midwives and operating department practitioners. Information on framework agreement: Framework agreement with several operators Number […]
Candidate Attraction & Recruitment of Registered Nurses from the EU – NHS Professionals Ltd
NHS Professionals seeks to award a framework agreement, for a period of four years, to a maximum of five commercial providers with the capability and experience of the provision of candidate attraction and the supply of registered nurses from selected European Union countries for fixed term temporary placements within specified Client Trusts. The successful Service […]
Temporary Staff – Braintree District Council
Recruitment service for the provision of temporary personnel for Braintree District Council, Essex to cover holiday/sickness, seasonal work and project specific work. Personnel required will be general personnel (manual, semi-skilled workers and LGV/Non LGV Drivers) to fill short term temporary positions as described above. Specific service areas will include: Refuse and Recycling collection services Food […]
Finance Professionals – Department of Work & Pensions
The awarding authority is acting on behalf of the Government Finance Profession to procure consultancy for recruitment of professionally qualified accountants and part qualified accountants. The first recruitment under this contract may be open to advert in September 2013 and therefore initial activity to plan the exercise, design, advertising, set up a microsite etc. Previously, […]
Temp Agency Staff – Huntingdonshire District Council
The agency will be responsible for providing a range of temporary staff to cover a number of roles. The main requirements are: A managed service with dedicated manager Provision of suitably trained staff Provision of staff within an hour of requirement, typically in the early morning (6am onwards) Provide all appropriate PPE Transport employees to […]
Executive Recruitment (3 Posts) – Bridgend County Borough Council
The awarding authority requires support in the sourcing and selection of three senior roles to complete its corporate management board. This support will include attracting suitable candidates from as broad an area as possible and development and delivery of the selection process using appropriate techniques and tools. Contract Value: Not Provided Deadline: 12pm, 16th July […]
Permanent Recruitment & Agency Workers – Centre for Process Innovation
The Centre for Process Innovation is looking for service providers to assist with recruitment of permanent members of staff and provision of agency workers. Services will include, but are not limited to the following: Advertising Vacancies Candidate Searches Short Listing and Selection Maintenance of a Candidate Database Facilitating Selection Tests Providing Candidate Feedback Vacancies are likely […]
Temporary Staff – Merseyside Police
Provision of Temporary Staff for the North West Regional Organised Crime Unit. Contract Value: Not Provided Contract Duration: 18 months (estimated start date 01.10.13, estimated end date 31.03.15 Deadline: 4.00pm, 5th August 2013 Awarding Authority: Merseyside Police HQ, Canning Place, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 8JX. Email: andrew.m.street@merseyside.pnn.police.uk Tel: 0151 777 1928. (Mr Andrew Street). […]
Executive Recruitment Services – Exeter University
The University of Exeter is seeking to appoint a framework of suitably qualified providers to work with the them on national and international executive search assignments for both senior management and academic appointments. A successful Tenderer would have the expertise, skills and a thorough understanding of the UK Higher Education (HE) market (or similar) and […]
Temporary & Permanent Recruitment Services – Green Investment Bank
Provision of temporary and permanent recruitment services. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Location where the contract is to be carried out: London and also Edinburgh Office Suitable for smaller suppliers? Yes Contract Duration: Approx 1 year Contract Value: £400k – £450k Deadline: 1.00pm, 9th […]
Allied Health Professionals & Health Science Services – GPS (for NHS)
The Government Procurement Service as the Contracting Authority is putting in place a national Framework Agreement for the supply of Allied Health Professionals and Health Science Services staff including some Emergency Services job profiles for use by UK public sector bodies which include NHS bodies and Local Authorities. This Framework Agreement will provide the Contracting […]
Temporary Staff Framework – University of Manchester
The awarding authority intends to undertake a full OJEU tender for the provision of temporary staff. It is not anticipated that the tender documentation will be issued until later in 2013 but suppliers are able to register an interest in this Project via the In-Tend website. Deadline: Documents can be requested until 30th November 2013 […]
Recruitment Services – Leeds Metropolitan University
Tender for a search agency to assist in the recruitment of Lay Governors. Estimated Value: Not Provided Deadline: 12th July 2013 For further information or to express and interest contact Web: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/leedsmetuni/aspx/ProjectManage/367 Tender documents must be downloaded from this website and returned via this website https://in-tendhost.co.uk/leedsmetuni. Leeds Metropolitan University. Web: www.leedsmet.ac.uk/ (Ben Maybury).
Temporary Driving, Refuse and Labouring Operatives – Lichfield District Council
Framework agreement with a single operator to supply temporary workers primarily to cover holidays, sick leave and seasonal variations in workload. The placements arise from the Joint Waste Service that the Council operates with Tamworth Borough Council and the Lichfield Street Scene Service. The range of temporary worker can include the following but this is […]
Temporary Staff – University of Wolverhampton
The University of Wolverhampton is seeking to appoint suppliers of temporary agency workers to form a framework agreement for the provision of (but not limited to) the following lots: Administrative Staff; Professional Administrative Staff e.g. Finance, Accounting, Procurement; Generic Workers e.g. caretakers, cleaners; Catering/Conferencing Staff. The University is seeking to appoint a single agency per […]
Resourcing Services Framework – HMRC (CS Resourcing)
CS Resourcing has been established to provide recruitment, assessment and redeployment services to other Customer Organisations across the Civil Service. In addition to in-house capabilities for the provision of such services, CS Resourcing have identified the requirement for service providers to support their provision of Resourcing Services to other Customer Organisations where demand varies under […]
Emergency Nursing Staff – Southport & Ormskirk Hospitals NHS Trust
The awarding authority are looking to appoint a Tier 1 and Tier 2 Agency to cover nursing vacancies that cannot filled by bank staff. Deadline: 12pm, 8th July 2013 Click HERE for further information regarding the above contract notice
Temporary Employment Framework – FMS Wertmanagement
Framework Agreement with Approx 3 operators for the Provision of Temporary Employment Services IN LONDON FMS Wertmanagement AöR (“FMS-WM”) is an organizationally and economically independent institution under public law with partial legal capacity within the Financial Market Stabilization Authority (FMSA) in Germany. By resolution of July 8, 2010 the steering committee of the FMSA formally […]
Bank and Agency Staff Management Service – South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
Supply services of personnel including temporary staff. The Trust are looking for a potential partner who can provide an efficient Bank and Agency Staff Management service for a NHS Foundation Trust providing Community and Mental Health Services across Essex, Bedfordshire, Luton and Suffolk. We are looking for a provider who will manage all aspects of […]
Traffic Marshals – Westminster City Council
Provision of personnel including temporary staff for parking enforcement services. The Council is introducing a new operating model for parking services, which will focus on how the kerbside is managed. To facilitate this, the Council is seeking to procure a service provider to provide Traffic Marshals whose role will be to help residents, workers, businesses […]
Recruitment Services – Wales & West Utilities
Wales & West Utilities Ltd (WWU) is a gas distribution business and employs approx 1500 people across Wales and the South West of England. It require recruitment services for permanent and temporary staff for various disciplines and specialities as follows: Lot 1: Temporary Clerical and Administrative staff; Lot 2: Permanent and temporary Procurement & Logistics […]
Multi-Discipline Recruitment Framework – The Royal Parks (London)
The awarding authority manages eight of London’s Royal Parks – St James’s Park, The Green Park, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, The Regent’s Park (& Primrose Hill), Greenwich Park, Richmond Park and Bushy Park. It is also responsible for a number of other areas including Brompton Cemetery, Victoria Tower Gardens and Grosvenor Square Gardens. The Royal […]
Recruitment Services – Golden Gates Housing Trust
Provision of recruitment services in the Halton & Warrington areas – sorry, it doesn’t specify which sectors at this stage! The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for […]
Graduate Recruitment Services in Connection with Acumen Programme – Inter Trade Ireland Company
Virtually no information provided in the tender notice in connection with the nature or value of services or contract duration! Deadline: 4pm, 31st May 2013 Awarding Authority Contact Details: Central Procurement Directorate, Clare House, 303 Airport Road West, Belfast BT3 9ED. Tel: 00353 908 16 579. (Theresa Conway). Click HERE to express interest and find […]
Executive Search – HMRC
Recruitment tender for provision of Executive Search and Related Services to HM Revenue & Customs (Civil Service Resourcing) to support recruitment of Senior & Executive Posts within Central Government. This covers recruitment services, assessment centre services for recruitment and placement of personnel. This contract will replace the existing Executive Search & Related Services framework, originally […]
Permanent Theatre Nursing Staff – University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Framework for the supply of Permanent Theatre Nursing staff. Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) is part of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) and is one of the leading hospitals in Europe. The Trust has an international reputation for quality of care, information technology, clinical training and research. QEHB provides direct clinical services to […]
Temporary Administrative Staff – West Berkshire District Council
West Berkshire Council requires an agency that can supply temporary administrative workers across the Council. The service will include various elements, including response handling to requests for temporary administrative staff and ensuring that all necessary staff checks are carried out as required prior to offering an individual worker to the Council, and to manage the […]
Teaching Staff – London Academies Enterprise Trust
Framework agreement with 2 operators envisaged to supply temporary and permanent employment services. Aylward and Nightingale Academies wish to establish a preferred supplier for the provision of cover, short term and permanent teachers to complement the existing internal services that are already in place. Contract Duration: 1 year and may be extended for a further […]
Bank & Agency Staffing – Thurrock Community Hospital
South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust are looking for a potential partner who can provide an efficient Bank and Agency staff management service for a NHS Foundation Trust providing Community and Mental Health Services across Essex, Bedfordshire and Luton and Suffolk. They are looking for a provider who will manage all aspects of a […]
Temporary Workers (Non Teaching) – Northern Ireland Education and Library Board
Framework agreement with a maximum of 3 operators to supply temporary workers on a call-off basis for various educational sites within Northern Ireland including all controlled and maintained schools (non teaching posts). The establishment of the NI Education Skills Authority may extend the scope of the framework to all grant aided schools. Value: £2.5 million […]
Permanent & Fixed Term Recruitment – Home Group
The core objective of this process is to appoint a number of preferred suppliers (envisaged to be circa 15) within a framework agreement consisting of 5 lots, to support the recruitment of permanent and fixed term staff into Home Group. The objective is to significantly improve the commerciality and quality of resourcing of staff via […]
Non Medical Non Clinical Temporary & Fixed Term Staff – Government Procurement Service (NHS!)
Pan Government Collaborative Framework Agreement for use by UK public sector bodies which include NHS bodies, Central Government Departments and their Arm’s Length Bodies, Agencies, Non Departmental Public Bodies and Local Authorities. The above Public Sector Bodies have a need for temporary or fixed term non medical non clinical staff. The Framework Agreement will bring […]
Catering & Retail Staff – House of Lords
Framework with up to 7 operators for provision of personnel including temporary staff for Catering & Retail Services in London. Very little other information is available in the tender notice. Deadline: 2.00pm, 2nd May 2013 Duration: 4 years Value: £660,000 – £760,000 over the duration of the contract. Between £165,000 and £190,000 is spent per […]
Sovereign Housing Association – Managed Recruitment Service
Sovereign Housing Association is a Managed Service Provider for Recruitment Services in the South and South West of England. This is for permanent staff, fixed term contract staff and internal vacancies. The selected provider will manage all of the attraction and recruitment process including candidate management and tracking and associated services. The selected provider will […]
Recruitment of Student Officers – Police Service of Northern Ireland
The Police Service of Northern Ireland is seeking a Service Provider to: design and administer an effective, efficient and fair recruitment and selection process. This process must produce a precise number of police trainees to an agreed standard at a predetermined time. work in partnership with the client on an effective outreach strategy, to ensure […]
Temporary & Interim Support Staff – European Police College
Based at Bramshill near Hook in Hampshire, this contract is for provision of temporary and interim recruitment services for 2 lots: Lot 1 – professional support staff Lot 2 – administrative support staff For each lot the European Police College (CEPOL) wishes to conclude framework contracts with single economic operators with the overall objective to […]
Temporary Labour (Aerospace & Nuclear Industry) – University of Sheffield
The roles required are as follows and the successful supplier must be able to provide all of these skill-sets with experience in the aerospace and/or nuclear industry. At least two thirds of the requirement is for specialist engineering roles. Value Engineers Manufacturing Engineering Programme Managers Manufacturing Engineers Purchasing Specialists Administration Support Roles (SiG only) including […]
Temporary Staff (Office, Operations & Specialist) – Teignbridge District Council
This Contract involves providing temporary agency staff plus any associated personal protective equipment (PPE), as required, to the 6 local councils, 1 unitary council and 1 national park authority as follows: Dartmoor National Park Mid Devon District Council North Devon District Council South Hams District Council Teignbridge District Council Torbay Council (unitary) Torridge District Council […]
IT Recruitment – University of Northumbria
The University is seeking a specialist IT provider who has the ability to support its future IT recruitment needs. Bidders must be able to demonstrate an in-depth expertise in the recruitment of IT staff across a range of specialisms including project management, security and analysts. Companies will be required to assist the recruitment process by […]
Advertising & Response Handling – House of Commons & the Parliamentary ICT (PICT) Service
Delivery of advertising and response handling services for recruitment campaigns open to external candidates for all types and levels of post. Disciplines may include construction, maintenance and ICT professionals; advisory posts in disciplines such as science and technology, foreign affairs and social sciences; back office functions such as Finance, Human Resources and Internal Audit; front […]
Interim Administration Staff – European Banking Authority
Framework agreement with a single operator for provision of interim staff for general administration to be based in London. Interim workers will be required to cover sickness, maternity, peak periods, specific projects or where in-house staff do not have the time/competency to fulfil the task. The volume of business is estimated to be a maximum […]
Temporary Staff Framework – Reigate & Banstead Borough Council
Framework agreement with 3 lots for provision of temporary staff throughout the borough and possibly throughout Surrey. It is anticipated there will be 5 suppliers selected for this framework agreement. Lot 1 – Operational Staff (Neighbourhood Services) Typically includes refuse/recycling loaders; street sweepers; parks/highways/grounds/cemeteries maintenance Lot 2 – Administrative Staff Typically includes customer care advisors; […]
Response Handling Project – Cabinet Office
Requirement for administrative support and operation of a sift and longlist process to support 2 recruitment exercises to fill a number of immediate vacancies on behalf of the Cabinet Office and to create a pool of unsuccessful candidates who may be called upon when further vacancies arise in the next 6 months. The first recruitment […]
Temporary Staff – Ashford Borough Council
Ashford Borough Council is reviewing their PSL for 3 “generalist” agencies. Not the most detailed specification of all time so very little further information in either the “advert” or the PQQ document to define the categories of staff that fall into the term “generalist”! They are going to shortlist at PQQ stage down to 6 […]
Assessment Centres – Tower Hamlets
Management of the recruitment process and design and delivery of assessment centres. The London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) requires a supplier to provide a robust and transparent assessment process for the recruitment of Mayor’s Community Champion Coordinators (CCCs). CCCs are resident volunteers who will be recruited from within each of the Borough’s wards to […]
Social Care – Medway Council
Framework agreement for provision of temporary agency staff including Social Workers – qualified and unqualified across all age groups together with workers / operatives in health. Staff required across many professional and technical disciplines. Tender split into 2 lots: LOT 1: Professional and Technical – including Finance, Human Resources, IT, Legal, Engineering, Surveying, Planning, Procurement, […]
Temp & Perm Recruitment – Housing 21
Housing 21 (H21) are seeking to appoint an organisation to manage the supply of the following to its offices throughout England: Temporary Care staff (£1.2m per annum) Temporary Professional, Contractors and Administrative staff (£1.2m per annum) Permanent Professional and Administrative staff, excluding Care staff (£500k per annum) Submission Deadline: 4th March 2013 Contract Duration: Not […]
Temporary Staff – University of Cambridge
Framework agreement with up to 6 participants for provision of temporary staff in the areas of finance, IT, manual, catering, cleaning and administrative roles. Submission deadline: 12pm, 8th March 2013 Contract duration: 22 Months Value: £2.5 million over the life of the contract Click HERE to register for this tender. After registering the tender documentation […]
Temporary Workers – Hyndburn Borough Council
Framework Agreement for the Supply of Temporary Workers for Hyndburn Borough Council in the categories of Street Cleansing & Waste Management, Gardens & Grounds Maintenance, Clerical & Administrative and Professional (which appears to include Benefits Assessors, Accountants, Solicitors, Legal Assistants, Surveyors and Engineers). Submission deadline: 2pm, 18th March 2013 Contract duration: 4 years Contract value: […]
Temporary Staff – Medway Council
Medway Council is looking for suppliers to provide temporary agency staff within a framework agreement. The Authority requirements are based on two lots and tenderers are required to provide temporary agency staff for all of the requirements in each relevant lot that they are bidding for. LOT 1: Professional & Technical – including but not […]
Executive Recruitment – Welsh Government
The Welsh Government requires the provision of high quality executive search and selection services to support Senior Civil Service (SCS) level recruitment and the recruitment of public office holders such as Chairs and non-executive members of Public Bodies. On some occasions the Client may ask the Contractor to take some or all action on a […]