Title: CRC Agency Staff Dynamic Purchasing System
Reference number: CRC/Agency/2023-2027
Short description: The provision of Temporary and Permanent Agency Staff. Cambridge Regional College is looking to put in place a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Temporary and Permanent staffing provided by Agencies for an initial period of over 4 years and expiring 31st July 2027.The CRC Agency DPS can only be used by Cambridge Regional College. Recruitment agencies who wish to be considered for inclusion on the DPS will need to complete the CRC Agency DPS Supplier Selection Questionnaire (Document 3) along with Appendix A to the Supplier Questionnaire. Agencies who pass the supplier selection process will be added to the CRC Agency DPS and invited to participate in a further competition process in accordance with Document 2, A of the tender documentation.
Place of performance – East Anglia
Duration of the dynamic purchasing system: 48 months
Type of procedure: restricted procedure
The procurement involves the setting up of a dynamic purchasing system
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 12pm, 6th February 2023
Name and addresses:
Cambridge Regional College
Kings Hedges Road
Contact: Noel Cassidy
Email: procurement@camre.ac.uk
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/educationportal/aspx/Home. To access the tender documents please go to the In-Tend Education portal the filter drop down tab, select Cambridge Regional College and click on “View Details” against the CRC Agency Staff Dynamic Purchasing System. To gain access to the tender documentation in full, you will need to Express Interest.