Title: Agreement for HR Services. Reference number: RC/FA/148/17
Description of the procurement:
This tender is being issued on behalf of Renfrewshire Council for the provision of services to the Council and those other bodies for whom it acts as servicing or contracting authority. The body who may also make use of the services is Scotland Excel, being the joint committee of Scottish local authorities carrying out purchasing and procurement functions for those local authorities. Scotland Excel is the joint committee of the 32 Scottish local authorities with responsibility for procurement and similar purchasing functions. The Renfrewshire Council acts as the contracting and servicing authority for Scotland Excel and enters contracts on its behalf.
Renfrewshire Leisure LLP, a separate body from the Council, may also wish in the future to make use of the services being tendered either through the Council or by entering a separate contractual arrangement based on the terms and conditions agreed between the Council and the tenderer chosen as the Service Provider.
HR Services are required to assist as and when required in the following areas:
- Executive Recruitment/Assessment Centres — assist the Council with aspects of recruitment, arrange and carry out testing during the recruitment process of senior staff.
- Executive Interim Sourcing — provide temporary senior management level of staff.
- Executive Coaching, Learning and Development and Performance Management Services — providing a range of services that support succession planning and business change implementation.
The executive recruitment and assessment centres are utilised for senior management recruitment on an ad hoc basis and due to the nature of staff turnover a forecast cannot be determined for this requirement.
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system: 48 months
Type of procedure: Open procedure
Main site or place of performance: Renfrewshire Area.
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 12pm, 28th August 2017
Name and addresses
Renfrewshire Council
Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street
Telephone: +44 1416187042
E-mail: cpu@renfrewshire.gov.uk
To view the full notice and register interest, see: https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/search/show/search_view.aspx?ID=JUL290919